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发布时间:2019-02-15 10:34
【摘要】:第二次世界大战结束已经近70年,,同为战败国的德、日两国在战后走上了相似的发展道路,但对战争却展现出了截然相反的态度。德国从政府机构到普通民众,始终展现出一种负责任的态度,从思想上认真反省道歉,从经济上积极给予受害者赔偿,从政治上坚定实施民主制度,从法律上断然取缔新纳粹组织,这一系列措施不但使德国摆脱了过往那种铁血外交政策,也加深了欧洲的一体化融合,推动了欧洲的和平及共同发展。而反观日本,却在右倾的道路上越走越远,历史教科书问题、慰安妇问题、靖国神社问题、领土问题等使日本与中、韩、俄等邻国的关系日益恶化,成为东亚地区一个重要的不稳定因素。 造成以上不同的原因有很多,本文从以下几个方面对德、日两国不同历史观进行研究:1、两国不同态度及表现形式。以时间为主线分析两国二战历史观的建立及发展过程;2、分析两国对二战史态度产生如此大差异的原因。从宗教、占领国政策、地缘政治环境等方面进行对比;3、说明两国不同历史观对国民及国内外政治环境的影响。最后,本文将综合以上对比研究的过程形成结论,即日本在通过掩盖历史真相规避战争罪行的手段是行不通的,必须以史为鉴,通过学习德国的正确做法,努力取得受害国原谅,才能最终成为一个被普遍接受的国家,真正融入世界大家庭中。
[Abstract]:The end of the Second World War, which was nearly 70 years after the end of the Second World War, was on the path of a similar development after the war, but with the opposite attitude to the war. Germany, from the government agencies to the general population, has always shown a responsible attitude, from the ideological and earnest reflection of the apology, from the economy to the victim's compensation, the political and firm implementation of the democratic system, and the elimination of neo-Nazi organizations from the law, The series of measures not only allowed Germany to rid the previous foreign policy of iron and blood, but also deepened the integration of Europe, and promoted peace and common development in Europe. On the other hand, the relationship between Japan and the neighboring countries such as China, South Korea and Russia is getting worse and becomes an important and unstable factor in the East Asia. There are many reasons for different reasons. This paper studies the different historical views of Germany and Japan from the following aspects: 1. Different attitudes and expressions of the two countries the process of establishing and developing the historical view of the second world war in two countries by time-based line; and analyzing the differences between the two countries in the history of the second world war. in contrast to that aspect of religion, the policy of the occupying power, the geo-political environment, and the reflection of the different historical views of the two countries on the political environment at home and abroad In the end, the conclusion of the above comparative study is to be concluded, that is, Japan's attempt to avoid the war crimes by masking the historical truth is not feasible, and it is necessary to try to obtain the injured State by studying the correct practice in Germany. To finally become a universally accepted country, to be truly integrated into the family of the world


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