[Abstract]:After the Cold War, the problems of minority nationalities in Europe were highlighted, and the Central and Eastern Europe region still faced many unstable factors after the country split and national reorganization, the ethnic separatism and xenophobia in Western Europe prevailed, Muslim immigrants, The living conditions of the Roma and other special minorities are worrying. The development of democracy and human rights in the process of European integration, the flow and communication among different nationalities in the European Union, especially the necessity of the eastward expansion of the EU make it necessary for the EU to seriously consider the issue of minority protection. The EU minority protection policy is mainly divided into the overall policy and the specific protection policy for the central and eastern European minorities in the process of eastward expansion. The former includes the provisions of the Copenhagen Accord, the Maastricht Treaty and the Amsterdam Treaty, as well as other specific legal documents. The latter mainly includes the annual report for each of the Central and Eastern European allies, agenda 2000, Partnership for accession and other relevant declarations. In case study, this paper focuses on the analysis of the protection system of Roma in Central and Eastern Europe, as an example of EU policy on the protection of special minorities. So far, there are still some problems in EU policy, such as "double standard", "dual structure", lack of concrete measures, poor effect of policy implementation, unequal concept, "democratic deficit" and so on. At present, the problems of ethnic minorities in Western Europe, immigration, and the ethnic minorities in Central and Eastern Europe brought about by the eastward expansion of the European Union are in front of the EU. The EU should make corresponding policy adjustment and deepening according to the causes and characteristics of various ethnic minority problems, and people expect more effective policies to come out and to be effective.
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