[Abstract]:In the United States, religious organizations and governments have long established close and extensive cooperation in the provision of social services. Federal, state and local governments have faded away from the dominant role of providing social welfare, increasingly relying on community grass-roots organizations to deal with difficult social problems. Religious organizations can deeply understand and contact the living conditions of the general public, especially the people at the bottom of the community, and they tend to be more comfortable in carrying out social affairs. Integrating the resident forces and strengths of religious organizations for better development of communities is a great deal for the government. Encouraging religious organizations to participate in government-funded social welfare programs has long been bipartisan in the federal government. During his eight-year tenure, George W.Bush launched the "faith-based initiative" across the country, established the White House Office of Faith and Community Initiative, and effectively advanced the initiative at the federal, state and local levels. Faith-to-faith initiatives became a hallmark of President Bush's presidency. His successor, Barack Obama (Barack Obama), made it clear during the campaign that he would continue to support religious and community-based organizations working with the government, and fully retained the "Office of Faith" system created by George W. Bush when he took office. But there is no lack of innovation, in addition to symbolically changing the name of the original White House Office of Faith and delineating the main issues to be addressed, a new 25-member advisory committee has been set up. This paper focuses on the White House Office of Faith, and compares the relevant policies and strategic guidelines issued by Obama by combing Bush's policy efforts and major progress made to promote the "faith-based initiative". The aim is to summarize Obama's inheritance and innovative development of Bush's significant but controversial policy. This paper is divided into the following parts: the first chapter expounds the connotation and classification, characteristics and advantages of faith-based organization from the theoretical framework of religious non-governmental organizations, as well as the interactive relationship between faith-based organization and government cooperation; The second chapter reviews the background, implementation, legislative efforts and main disputes of Bush's "belief-based Initiative". The third chapter summarizes the Obama administration's inheritance and criticism, policy adjustment and innovation of Bush's faith-based initiative. The fourth chapter discusses the basic consensus that both Republican and Democratic presidents support the faith initiative, and Obama and George W. Bush's faith initiative policy comparison. The fifth chapter is a brief conclusion. This paper argues that Obama inherits the pragmatic and flexible attitude of Bush's belief initiative, which is similar to his ideas of advocating multilateralism and weakening the pragmatism of ideology in the international community. The starting point for the United States Government to encourage faith and community-based organizations to participate in public welfare is the realistic need to solve social problems. Taking advantage of the unique advantages and social resources of religious non-governmental organizations, both sides take what they need and form complementary advantages. The ultimate goal is to maximize social welfare. Obama inherited Bush's faith initiative and tactfully continued the campaign's embrace of religion. Mr Obama's advisory committee, which invites a large number of influential religious leaders and secular elites to serve as advisers, is more implicit and subtle than Bush's reliance on religious conservatives, making the initiative more politically motivated.
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