[Abstract]:National competitive advantage is closely related to national security interests. Safeguarding the interests of national security has increasingly become an important part of the national strategy in the period of globalization in the world. From the external form of expression, national security interests are actually national competitive advantage. In reality, the effectiveness of national competitive advantage should correspond to the degree of protection of national security interests. Based on this, when any country faces the problem of security and competitive advantage at the same time, it should consider constructing the national "security interest-competitive advantage" system, which is composed of the core part and the outer part. The core part of the system refers to the national "economic security-competitive advantage", the peripheral part includes the national "political security-competitive advantage", "military security-competitive advantage", "diplomatic security-competitive advantage" and "cultural security-competitive advantage" and other subsystems. Each "security interest-competitive advantage" depends not only on the development level of individual factors related to their respective security interests, but also on the degree of coordination of the internal relationship between these individual factors. The advantage of the national "security interest-competitive advantage" system depends not only on the strength of the five kinds of "security interest-competitive advantage", but also on the coordination degree of the internal relationship between the five parts. The construction and operation of this system will eventually prevent a country from falling into the trap of national competitive advantage.
【作者单位】: 广东财经大学国民经济研究中心;经贸学院;
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