Chapter 1 Historical Review of US Policy in Central Asia
1.1 Vague Central Asia Strategy(1991-1996)
1.2 The Forming of the Central Asia Strategy(1997-2001)
1.3 The Developing of the Central Asia Strategy(2001-2005)
Chapter 2 Strategic Trend and Relevant Measures of US "Great Central Asia" Strategy
2.1 Strategic Trend
2.1.1 Strengthen the Importance of Central-South Asia in US Global Strategy
2.1.2 Establish the Executive Body of Central and South Asia Affairs
2.1.3 Promote the Integration of Central Asia and South Asia
2.1.4 Agitate the Security Cooperation Mechanism in Central and South Asia
2.2 Relevant Measures
2.2.1 Integrate Central Asia and South Asia with Afghanistan as a Land Bridge
2.2.2 Establish the leadership of Kazakhstan
2.2.3 Attach Great Importance to South Asia Operation
2.2.4 Seek the Assistance of NATO and Allied States
2.2.5 Further Enhance the "Democratic Reform" in Central Asian Countries
Chapter 3 Reasons for the Promulgation of the US "Great Central Asia" Strategy
3.1 Setbacks in promoting the Democratic Reform in Central Asia
3.2 Increasing Rivalry with Russia and Iran in Energy Field
3.3 Rivalry with Shanghai Cooperation Organization(SCO)
3.4 Need to Strengthen Anti-terrorism,Anti-drug and Contain Counter-American Power
Chapter 4 Inhibiting Factors in the Implementation of the US "Great Central Asia" Strategy
4.1 Instability of Afghanistan
4.2 Different Values and Lack of Cooperation Experience
4.3 Resistance from Russia
4.4 Questionable Energy Potential in Caspian Sea
Chapter 5 The Impact of the US "Great Central Asia" Strategy on China and China's Response
5.1 Critical Challenges to China's Strategic Security
5.1.1 Threat to China's Western Gate
5.1.2 Threat to China's Energy Supply
5.2 Favorable Factors for China
5.3 China's Response
Works Cited
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