发布时间:2021-11-24 08:07
UN peacekeeping has undergone a marked devolution in the last decade, manifested by situations where security operations have largely replaced political operations and where there is no peace to keep and no chance to withdraw. UN peacekeeping must return to the path of evolution as the devolution deviates from peacekeeping principles and is not in the interests of the UN and most of its member states.
【文章来源】:China International Studies. 2020,(06)
【文章页数】:18 页
Devolution of UN Peacekeeping
Reasons for Devolution in UN Peacekeeping
Reflections on the Devolution of UN Peacekeeping
[1]中国的维和外交:基于国家身份视角的分析[J]. 何银. 西亚非洲. 2019(04)
[2]反思联合国维和行动中的安全风险及应对[J]. 何银. 世界经济与政治. 2018(05)
[3]Responsible Protection: Building a Safer World[J]. Ruan Zongze Vice President of China Institute of International Studies, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute and Editor-in-Chief of China International Studies.. China International Studies. 2012(03)
【文章来源】:China International Studies. 2020,(06)
【文章页数】:18 页
Devolution of UN Peacekeeping
Reasons for Devolution in UN Peacekeeping
Reflections on the Devolution of UN Peacekeeping
[1]中国的维和外交:基于国家身份视角的分析[J]. 何银. 西亚非洲. 2019(04)
[2]反思联合国维和行动中的安全风险及应对[J]. 何银. 世界经济与政治. 2018(05)
[3]Responsible Protection: Building a Safer World[J]. Ruan Zongze Vice President of China Institute of International Studies, Senior Research Fellow at the Institute and Editor-in-Chief of China International Studies.. China International Studies. 2012(03)