发布时间:2018-02-20 23:06
本文关键词: 全球化 文化安全 文化治理 出处:《齐齐哈尔大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:在全球一体化时代,文化交流日益频繁,不对称的信息,不平衡的文化发展,,不同抗冲击能力的差异导致文化主体实力悬殊,很容易使相对弱势的文化面临安全风险。文化传统,文化资源,特别是文化价值和文化创造力被抑制、弱化,甚至到了被西方发达国家文化殖民的地步,这绝不是危言耸听。因此,维护文化安全已成为国家文化发展战略的重要组成部分。预防不仅是重要的,而且是必要的,但预防不能闭关锁国。最高效的预防是自强,最强大的维护便是创新。 最能反映文化自立的是优秀的文化产品、高质量的文化服务、有意义的文化活动,其实质是因为所有的文化最终都是被具体和实用的文化产品,文化服务和文化活动所点燃。自律要求我们必须警惕国家文化虚无主义,大众文化是“下里巴人”的态度,更要警惕盲目崇洋媚外,削足适履,曲意逢迎只为登上所谓的国际舞台。在今天的市场经济背景下,要求我们必须高度关注民族文化的安全。 实事上,会对我们的文化安全构成威胁,除了有许多外部因素外,内部缺乏创新也是一个重要原因。相较于中国5000年的文化积淀和交互扩展,只有200年历史的美国,如何成为一个文化“巨人”?关键在于其始终坚持文化创新。他们不仅将在文化创造中的骑士精神,绅士精神和现代科技发挥到了极限,也从东方文化“包括中国文化”中吸取到了丰富的文化营养。例如花木兰、西游记、熊猫、功夫、还有“道《德经》、论语》、《庄子》、《易经》《孙子兵法》等众多经典名著,都成为其发展新项目和开发新产品的材料来源,中国元素已经延伸到了文化产业的各个环节。 我们必须清晰地认识到世界各国文化产业的发展已经形成了各自的比较优势,如何科学定位我国文化产业的发展重点,已经成为维护文化产业安全亟待解决的问题。文化产业发展定位应该以资源型文化产业为依托;充分利用金融危机背景下发达国家转移文化产业“制造业”的机会,提升我国能力型文化产业和技术型文化产业。当前“引领”文化产业发展的是“内容”和“数字技术”的结合。面对发达国家文化产业的挑战与我国文化产业自身存在的先天不足,我国文化产业必须“高端”起步实现跨跃式发展。 文化安全是国家强盛,社会和谐,人民享受文明之光的重要保障,坚决维护国家文化的持久发展和安全势在必行。在选择性和包容吸纳性开放式的基础上,在文化创作整个过程中,文化发展和文化服务应始终坚持以中国文化为主体,赢得文化融合的主动权,是保持中国文化的独特性和重要地位的唯一途径。
[Abstract]:In the era of global integration, cultural exchanges are becoming more and more frequent, asymmetric information, unbalanced cultural development, and differences in the ability to resist shocks lead to great differences in the strength of cultural subjects. It is easy to expose relatively weak cultures to security risks. Cultural traditions, cultural resources, especially cultural values and cultural creativity are suppressed, weakened, and even colonized by Western developed countries. This is by no means alarmist. Therefore, the maintenance of cultural security has become an important part of the national cultural development strategy. Prevention is not only important but also necessary, but prevention cannot be closed to the outside world. The most effective prevention is self-improvement. The most powerful maintenance is innovation. What can best reflect cultural independence is excellent cultural products, high-quality cultural services, meaningful cultural activities, and its essence is that all cultures are ultimately concrete and practical cultural products. Self-discipline requires us to be vigilant against national cultural nihilism, the attitude of the "Lower Riba people" in popular culture, and the blind adoration of foreign countries to suit the needs of the people. In the context of today's market economy, we must pay close attention to the security of national culture. In fact, it will pose a threat to our cultural security. In addition to many external factors, the lack of internal innovation is also an important reason. Compared with China's cultural accumulation and mutual expansion in 5000, the United States, which is only 200 years old, How to become a cultural "giant"? The key is that they always insist on cultural innovation. They not only bring chivalry, gentlemanly spirit and modern technology into full play in cultural creation, We have also drawn rich cultural nourishment from Eastern Culture, including Chinese Culture. For example, Hua Mulan, Journey to the West, Panda, Kung Fu, and many other classic masterpieces, such as Tao, the Book of Virtue, the Analects of Confucius, Zhuangzi, the Book of changes and the Art of War of Sun Tzu, etc. It has become a material source for developing new projects and new products, and Chinese elements have extended to all aspects of the cultural industry. We must clearly recognize that the development of cultural industries in various countries of the world has formed their respective comparative advantages, and how to scientifically position the focus of the development of cultural industries in China, It has become an urgent problem to maintain the security of cultural industries. The development orientation of cultural industries should be based on resource-based cultural industries, and take full advantage of the opportunity for developed countries to transfer the "manufacturing industry" of cultural industries under the background of the financial crisis. At present, it is the combination of "content" and "digital technology" that "leads" the development of cultural industry. In the face of the challenge of cultural industry in developed countries and the cultural industry of our country since then, it is the combination of "content" and "digital technology" that promotes the development of Chinese cultural industry. The inherent deficiency of the body, China's cultural industry must be "high-end" start to achieve leapfrog development. Cultural security is an important guarantee of national prosperity, social harmony and the people's enjoyment of the light of civilization. It is imperative to resolutely safeguard the lasting development and security of national culture. In the whole process of cultural creation, cultural development and cultural service should always adhere to Chinese culture as the main body, win the initiative of cultural integration, is the only way to maintain the unique and important status of Chinese culture.
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