本文关键词: 主流文化 主流文化形态 认同路径 出处:《河南师范大学》2014年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:在全球化的背景下,我国的社会主义主流文化面临自身建设、多元文化和价值观的冲击和挑战、面临网络媒体兴起带来的俗文化的消解,主流文化的传播受到复杂社会思潮的冲击。因此,厘清主流文化的内涵和主流文化存在的形态形式,对增强社会大众对主流文化的认同,具有重要的理论和现实意义。 关于主流文化,学界至今没有公认的内涵表述。本文所指的主流文化是:以马列主义、毛泽东思想、中国特色社会主义理论体系为指导的国家主导意识形态、以社会主义核心价值体系为核心的价值观念、以中国优秀传统文化为民族营养,广泛吸收西方文化中的科学合理成分,能够引领社会风尚和文化前进方向的文化。 主流文化的形态形式,是主流文化内部生态系统结构的外在表现形式和载体,它包括价值形态、制度形态、理论形态、文献形态、媒体形态、舆论形态、文学形态、影视形态、遗址遗迹形态、文物形态。剖析其的形态形式,目的在于改变人们以往对主流文化的抽象和刻板印象。 本文将当前社会大众对主流文化的认同现状归纳为三个方面:一是主流文化的社会认同存在群体差异,党政干部群体、知识分子群体和高校大学生群体对主流文化的认同较好,,普通大众对主流文化认同度一般,认为主流文化太枯燥乏味,因而更倾向于接受大众文化。二是社会大众对主流文化的认同存在功利倾向,不同群体社会大众都存在出于各自的功利目的而认同主流文化的现象。三是社会大众对主流文化的认同与践行割裂,尚未将对主流文化的认同内化为行动的指南。 本文提出了增进主流文化社会认同实践路径即价值认同路径、情感认同路径和实践认同路径,全方位促进人们的认同实践,形成奋斗、进取、创造的精神面貌;形成健康、积极、文明、向上的社会风气;形成诚信、友善、互助的社会关系;形成社会主义经济、政治、社会、文化、生态和谐发展的良好局面。
[Abstract]:Under the background of globalization, the mainstream socialist culture of our country is faced with its own construction, the impact and challenge of multiculturalism and values, and the deconstruction of the vulgar culture brought by the rise of network media. Therefore, it is of great theoretical and practical significance to clarify the connotation of mainstream culture and the form of its existence in order to strengthen the social public's recognition of mainstream culture. As for mainstream culture, there is no accepted connotation in academic circles. The mainstream culture referred to in this paper is the national leading ideology guided by Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong's thought, and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The values with socialist core value system as the core, the Chinese excellent traditional culture as the national nutrition, and the scientific and reasonable elements in the western culture are widely absorbed, which can lead the social fashion and the direction of cultural advancement. The form form of mainstream culture is the external form and carrier of the internal ecosystem structure of mainstream culture. It includes value form, system form, theoretical form, literature form, media form, public opinion form, literary form. The purpose of this paper is to change people's abstract and stereotypical impression of mainstream culture. This paper summarizes the current status of the social identity of the mainstream culture into three aspects: first, there are group differences in the social identity of the mainstream culture, the party and government cadres group, Intellectuals and college students identify well with the mainstream culture. The general public has a general identity with the mainstream culture, and thinks that the mainstream culture is too dull and boring. Therefore, they are more inclined to accept popular culture. Second, there is a utilitarian tendency towards the identification of mainstream culture by the public. Different groups of social masses have the phenomenon of identifying with the mainstream culture for their own utilitarian purposes. Third, the social masses' identification and practice of the mainstream culture are separated, and the identification of the mainstream culture has not yet been internalized as a guide for action. This paper puts forward the practical path of promoting mainstream cultural and social identity, that is, the path of value identity, the path of emotional identity and the path of practice identity, so as to promote people's identification practice in all directions, to form the spiritual outlook of struggle, enterprising and creative, and to form a healthy, healthy, and healthy way. Positive, civilized, upward social atmosphere; forming good faith, friendly, mutual social relations; forming a socialist economy, politics, society, culture, ecological harmonious development of a good situation.
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