本文选题:文化发展 + 社会发展 ; 参考:《学习与探索》2017年03期
[Abstract]:How to promote cultural development depends on how to look at culture and its development. In the new situation, to realize the good and fast development of our culture, we must establish a new concept of cultural development, clear the new ideas of development and examine cultural development from the threshold of social development. This is the objective requirement to realize the self-consciousness of theory. Cultural development and social development are necessary. The culture plays four roles in the social development: one is the culture in the special field of society; the two is the culture that serves as the social operation mechanism; the three is the culture of the "life like law" or the way of existence; four is the culture of the standard of value and the norm of behavior. The relationship between the development and the development of the culture is different. The relationship between cultural development and social development is not only determined by the requirements of the coordination of the two, but also the leading characteristics of the development of contemporary culture to the social development. To grasp the cultural development reasonably in the perspective of social development, it is necessary to pay attention to the two principles in the study. First, the orientation of the study of cultural development should be clearly defined. The study of cultural development is located in the context of modern society; two is the grasp of the law of cultural development, the development of culture has its own particularity and its own law, and it can not confuse the general law of social development with the law of cultural development.
【作者单位】: 北京大学哲学系;
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