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发布时间:2018-06-19 10:04

  本文选题:畲族元素 + 现代包装 ; 参考:《青岛大学》2017年硕士论文

[Abstract]:The she nationality calls itself Shanha, meaning the guest who lives on the mountain, is the traveling farming nationality in the south of our country. In the nearly thousand years of historical heritage has formed its own aesthetic interest and expression. The interpretation of its historical and traditional elements is the basis of the application of she elements in packaging design, which is conducive to better grasp of traditional culture and national feelings. Firstly, the paper makes a deep research on the traditional elements of she nationality, focusing on the three core elements of she nationality: Phoenix worship, decorative pattern and symbol characters, and abstracts a set of cultural connotation and design theory contained in the traditional elements of she nationality. Secondly, aiming at many problems in the application of she nationality elements in packaging design, the paper puts forward that she elements should be actively applied in modern packaging design, and studies the methods and trends of she nationality elements' application in the future. The paper puts forward that the traditional elements of she nationality will continuously extend new design elements and means around the core elements in packaging design and application, and make use of the advantages of she nationality in bamboo weaving, embroidery and other aspects. Fully strengthen the application of raw material in packaging design; through the application of Internet new media interaction in packaging design, strengthen the interaction between commodities and consumers, make use of the deep emotional communication inside the circle. Finally, the thesis reports the whole process of graduation design practice, on the basis of the market basis of the selected topic, explains the originality, elements and overall plan of graduation design, and puts forward some of its own design ideas and design ideas.


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