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发布时间:2018-06-20 03:07

  本文选题:德令哈民族地区 + 建设少数民族文化 ; 参考:《西北民族大学》2014年硕士论文

【摘要】:德令哈地区多民族的历史现状决定民族的发展和前进,涉及整个德令哈地区社会的安定和安危,涉及德令哈社会主义现代化事业建设的各个方面,因此在新的历史时期,加强德令哈地区民族文化建设,建设成有中国特色社会主义现代化德令哈的重要推动力量。只有加快德令哈地区的民族文化建设,通过不断发挥文化的功能及作用,才能增强民族地区各族人们的团结力和凝聚力,达到推动民族地区经济文化发展的目的,最终实现构建和谐德令哈,培养科学、文明、健康的现代化民族群众,促进德令哈民族地区物质文明和精神文明的协调发展。 近些年来,在党和国家、各级政府的高度重视和关怀下,德令哈地区少数民族文化发展建设工作不断向前,取得了较多的成绩,得到了相应的发展。但同时我们也不容忽视的是,当前德令哈地区的民族文化建设与该市全面建设小康社会发展要求还不能完全适应,与经济和社会的全面协调发展更是相差一大截,与民族群众不断进步的精神文化需求也还相距甚远。其中表现最突出是文化硬件设施落后有待升级;民族地区文化站的现有职能错位急需更正;民族地区各项文化活动经费不足急需补给;基层的民族群众精神文化活动匮乏等方面。 德令哈地区民族文化建设发展滞后带来了许多不良的影响。如少数民族群众的文化生活单调、文化市场不够健康和完善、家庭社会的伦理道德等观念发生脱变,出现拜金主义、享乐主义、个人主义等极端主义,封建迷信活动等不健康社会活动有所增加。产生这些不良影响的理由是方方面面的,而本文主要认为有以下几点:对民族文化建设认识不足的主观原因,社会转型的客观原因,管理不顺的体制原因、投入不足的经济原因、创新乏力的自身原因等。 因此,在新时期加强德令哈市少数民族文化建设,应从民族地区文化领导、资金融入、多元投入、文化活动、文化特色、文化遗产保护、文化产业发展、文化传媒发展、文化旅游发展等方面入手,这样才能确保实现重视不同民族民间优秀传统文化,保持各个民族文化的本身特色,加强民族文化基础设施设备建设,巩固和发展民族文化建设阵营的目的。
[Abstract]:The historical status quo of the multi-ethnic nationalities in Delingha determines the development and advancement of the nation, involves the stability and safety of the entire society in the Delingha region, and involves all aspects of the construction of socialist modernization in Delingha. Therefore, in the new historical period, Strengthening the construction of ethnic culture in Delingha region and building it into an important driving force for the modernization of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Only by speeding up the construction of national culture in Delingha, can we enhance the unity and cohesion of the people of all ethnic groups in the ethnic minority areas and achieve the purpose of promoting the economic and cultural development of the ethnic minority areas by giving full play to the functions and functions of the culture. Finally, we should construct harmonious Delingha, cultivate scientific, civilized and healthy modern national masses, and promote the harmonious development of material and spiritual civilization in Delingha ethnic areas. In recent years, with the great attention and concern of the Party, the government at all levels, the development and construction of minority culture in Delingha region has made more achievements and developed accordingly. But at the same time, we should not neglect that the current national cultural construction in Delingha and the requirements for the overall construction of a well-to-do society in the city cannot be fully adapted, and there is even a significant difference between the construction of national culture and the overall coordinated development of the economy and society. It is also far from the spiritual and cultural needs of the national masses. Among them, the most outstanding is the backward cultural hardware facilities to be upgraded; the existing functions of the cultural station in minority areas need to be corrected urgently; the lack of funds for cultural activities in ethnic minority areas is in urgent need of supply; The national masses at the grassroots level lack of spiritual and cultural activities. The lag in the development of ethnic culture in Delingha region has brought many adverse effects. For example, the cultural life of the people of ethnic minorities is monotonous, the cultural market is not healthy and perfect, and the concepts of ethics and morality in the family society have changed, and extremism such as money worship, hedonism, individualism and so on has emerged. Feudal superstition and other unhealthy social activities have increased. The reasons for these adverse effects are various, and this paper mainly believes that there are the following: subjective reasons for lack of understanding of national cultural construction, objective reasons for social transformation, and system reasons for poor management. The economic reasons of insufficient investment, the own reasons of weak innovation and so on. Therefore, in order to strengthen the cultural construction of ethnic minorities in Delingha in the new period, we should focus on cultural leadership, capital integration, pluralistic investment, cultural activities, cultural characteristics, protection of cultural heritage, development of cultural industry and development of cultural media in ethnic areas. The development of cultural tourism and other aspects can ensure the realization of attaching importance to the outstanding traditional culture of different nationalities, maintaining the characteristics of each national culture, and strengthening the construction of national cultural infrastructure facilities. The purpose of consolidating and developing the camp of national culture construction.


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