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发布时间:2018-06-21 05:41

  本文选题:少数民族传统文化 + 创造性转化 ; 参考:《贵州民族研究》2017年08期

[Abstract]:The inheritance and development of minority culture must be realized through creative transformation and innovative development. However, the connotation of creative transformation and innovative development are different: creative transformation is the modern transformation of traditional culture's value from the past to the present, and innovative development is through the innovation of mechanism, the creative transformation is the "use of the past for the present" and the modern transformation of the value of the traditional culture. Management innovation and technological innovation, so that the traditional culture to acquire the ability of reproduction. The former focuses on "soul" and "quality", while the latter emphasizes "effect" and "degree".
【作者单位】: 大连民族大学东北少数民族研究院;


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