[Abstract]:"Chinese background", "Chinese situation" community dance "as a contemporary context phenomenon, and any other country in the world, there is a very significant difference in the situation of the scene. Community dance is not only a way to activate the community culture governance, but also a form of body liberation, which is an active form of dance participation for the construction of cultural subjectivity and cultural rights of community residents. The reverse function phenomenon of cultural liberation experience and acquisition, and on the basis of the consciousness of life, unifies the individual body right and the quality of life more organically in the community dance activity. Although its artistic appeal is often reflected in the entrance motive of "special minority", the functional relationship between the larger "absolute majority" and the community dance is basically focused on the self-body appeal and the social interaction demand. However, when we plan the technical scheme of community culture governance, we should base on the overall planning and maximize the efficiency of this particular tool. Community dance in the sense of dance sociology transcends the traditional artistic orientation, as an artistic and non-artistic coexistence of events, or as a composite functional dance activities, can be a powerful intervention force, Through the drive of scale, diversification and daily driving, we can activate the cultural activity of community as the basic unit of social culture system, and let the cultural tension of public society bring into play the positive value and positive energy direction of its social equilibrium increment advantage.
【作者单位】: 中国艺术研究院;北京舞蹈学院舞蹈考级院;
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