发布时间:2018-08-30 14:48
【摘要】:2004年全球首家孔子学院在韩国首尔成立,其发展至今已走过近十年的历程。截至2013年年底,全球已建立440所孔子学院和646个孔子课堂,分布在120个国家(地区),成为汉语教学推广与中国文化传播的全球品牌和平台。为促进世界各国人民学习汉语,了解中国文化,推动世界文明的多样性发展做出了积极的贡献,被誉为中国目前最好最妙的出口产品。但毕竟也才刚刚走过十年的发展历程,还处在快速的“铺面阶段”,在语言教学、文化推广、组织管理等诸方面都存在较大问题,影响了孔子学院的进一步发展。 世界上主要的语言文化推广机构有英国的文化委员会、法国的法语联盟、德国的歌德学院、西班牙的塞万提斯学院,它们的发展久的已有上百年,短的也有数十年,是世界上发展比较成熟的语言文化推广机构,在全世界有广泛的影响。它们在语言文化推广上所积累的丰富经验对于孔子学院有重大的借鉴意义。 本文以非盈利性组织管理理论和语言经济学理论为基础,详细介绍了世界上四大语言文化推广机构与孔子学院的推广方式,通过对比分析的研究方法,系统地比较了二者的异同点,指出了孔子学院在发展过程中的问题,并采用PEST市场分析法和APC评估理论等相关管理学的分析方法,大胆提出了一个关于孔子学院未来发展的的战略构想,希冀对孔子学院的健康可持续发展有所裨益。
[Abstract]:In 2004, the world's first Confucius Institute was established in Seoul, South Korea. By the end of 2013, 440 Confucius Institutes and 646 Confucius classrooms had been established in the world, and they were distributed in 120 countries (regions), which became the global brand and platform for the promotion of Chinese language teaching and the spread of Chinese culture. In order to promote the world people to learn Chinese, understand Chinese culture, promote the diversity of world civilization to make a positive contribution, known as China's best and best export products. But after all, it has just gone through a decade of development and is still in a rapid "paving stage". There are many problems in language teaching, cultural promotion, organization and management, which affect the further development of Confucius Institutes. The world's major institutions for the promotion of language and culture include the British Cultural Commission, the French Union of France, the Goethe Institute in Germany and the Cervantes College in Spain. They have been developed for hundreds of years and have been short for decades. Is the world's more mature language and culture promotion institutions, in the world has a wide range of influence. Their rich experience in the promotion of language and culture is of great significance to Confucius Institutes. Based on the theories of non-profit organization management and linguistic economics, this paper introduces in detail the promotion methods of the four major language and culture promotion institutions and Confucius Institutes in the world. This paper systematically compares the similarities and differences between the two, points out the problems in the process of development of Confucius Institutes, and adopts PEST market analysis method and APC evaluation theory and other related management analysis methods. This paper puts forward a strategic plan for the future development of Confucius Institutes, which is expected to benefit the healthy and sustainable development of Confucius Institutes.
[Abstract]:In 2004, the world's first Confucius Institute was established in Seoul, South Korea. By the end of 2013, 440 Confucius Institutes and 646 Confucius classrooms had been established in the world, and they were distributed in 120 countries (regions), which became the global brand and platform for the promotion of Chinese language teaching and the spread of Chinese culture. In order to promote the world people to learn Chinese, understand Chinese culture, promote the diversity of world civilization to make a positive contribution, known as China's best and best export products. But after all, it has just gone through a decade of development and is still in a rapid "paving stage". There are many problems in language teaching, cultural promotion, organization and management, which affect the further development of Confucius Institutes. The world's major institutions for the promotion of language and culture include the British Cultural Commission, the French Union of France, the Goethe Institute in Germany and the Cervantes College in Spain. They have been developed for hundreds of years and have been short for decades. Is the world's more mature language and culture promotion institutions, in the world has a wide range of influence. Their rich experience in the promotion of language and culture is of great significance to Confucius Institutes. Based on the theories of non-profit organization management and linguistic economics, this paper introduces in detail the promotion methods of the four major language and culture promotion institutions and Confucius Institutes in the world. This paper systematically compares the similarities and differences between the two, points out the problems in the process of development of Confucius Institutes, and adopts PEST market analysis method and APC evaluation theory and other related management analysis methods. This paper puts forward a strategic plan for the future development of Confucius Institutes, which is expected to benefit the healthy and sustainable development of Confucius Institutes.
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