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发布时间:2018-10-22 09:31
【摘要】:2006年,《国家“十一五”时期文化发展规划纲要》作为政府文件,首次将“公共文化服务”纳入其中,提出要以公共文化服务均等为原则,完善博物馆、图书馆、文化馆等公益性文化基础设施建设;加强广播电视村村通工程、农村电影放映工程、乡镇综合文化站等农村公共文化基础设施的建设;更好地将文化知识进行普及;建立健全公共文化发展的援助机制;积极鼓励社会各界力量参与公共文化基础设施的建设等。2012年,党的十八大报告中又一次明确提出“坚持面向基层、服务群众,加快推进重点文化惠民工程,加大对农村和欠发达地区文化建设的帮扶力度,继续推动公共文化服务设施向社会免费开放。与此同时,要加强重大公共文化工程和文化项目建设,完善公共文化服务体系,提高服务效能”。黑龙江省是农业大省,全省3834万人口中,仅农村人口就有1653万,占人口总数的43.1%,为了满足广大农民群众日益增长的文化需求,加强农村公共文化基础设施的建设就显得格外重要。“十一五”时期以来,为了响应党中央、国务院的号召,黑龙江省加快了农村公共文化基础设施建设的步伐,黑龙江省农村公共文化基础设施建设也取得了明显成效,但仍存在许多不足之处,有待改进。 本文从农村公共文化基础设施的含义、分类、性质及特点等方面入手分析了当前黑龙江省农村公共文化基础设施建设的现状及存在的问题,如建设资金投入不足、设施利用率偏低、公共文化队伍专业素质不高等。并结合对国内外公共文化基础设施建设成功经验的探讨,提出了一些具有一定针对性、建设性和可操作性的改进措施。如完善财政对农村文化事业投入的增长机制、加强政府履行公共文化基础设施的管理职能、加强农村公共文化队伍建设、科学合理规划布局等具体措施。
[Abstract]:In 2006, the outline of the National Cultural Development Plan for the Eleventh Five-Year Plan, as a government document, included "Public Cultural Service" for the first time, and proposed that the museum and library should be perfected on the principle of equality of public cultural services. Construction of public welfare cultural infrastructure such as cultural centers; strengthening the construction of rural public cultural infrastructure, such as radio and television village-village communication projects, rural film screening projects, township comprehensive cultural stations, etc., and better popularizing cultural knowledge; To establish and improve the assistance mechanism for the development of public culture; and to actively encourage all sectors of society to participate in the construction of public cultural infrastructure. We will speed up the key cultural projects for the benefit of the people, increase support for cultural construction in rural and less-developed areas, and continue to promote the free opening of public cultural services to society. At the same time, we should strengthen the construction of major public cultural projects and cultural projects, perfect the public cultural service system, and improve the service efficiency. Heilongjiang Province is a big agricultural province. Of the 38.34 million people in the province, 16.53 million are in rural areas alone, accounting for 43.1 percent of the total population. In order to meet the growing cultural needs of the broad masses of farmers, Strengthening the construction of rural public cultural infrastructure is particularly important. Since the 11th Five-Year Plan period, in response to the call of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council, Heilongjiang Province has quickened the pace of rural public cultural infrastructure construction, and has also achieved remarkable results in the construction of rural public cultural infrastructure in Heilongjiang Province. However, there are still many shortcomings, which need to be improved. This paper analyzes the current situation and existing problems of rural public cultural infrastructure construction in Heilongjiang Province from the aspects of the meaning, classification, nature and characteristics of rural public cultural infrastructure, such as insufficient investment in construction funds. Facilities utilization rate is low, the professional quality of public cultural team is not high. Based on the successful experience in the construction of public cultural infrastructure at home and abroad, this paper puts forward some effective, constructive and operable improvement measures. Such as perfecting the growth mechanism of financial investment in rural cultural undertakings, strengthening the government to perform the management function of public cultural infrastructure, strengthening the construction of rural public cultural team, scientifically and rationally planning the layout and other concrete measures.


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