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发布时间:2018-12-25 13:15
【摘要】:农村文化建设不仅是社会主义新农村建设的目标和手段,也是社会主义建设的重要内容之一。它不仅可以丰富农民的业余文化生活,促进农村的公共文化服务体系建设,而且将助推农村文化产业的发展,由此带动农村经济的发展。因此,开展农村文化建设意义重大。 农村文化建设涉及的范围广,是一项比较复杂的系统工程。近年来,洪湖市通过不断健全文化机构,完善文化基础设施,丰富活跃农村文化生活,农村文化建设工作上了一个新台阶。但是,农村文化建设与广大农民日益增长的精神文化需求还是有一定的差距,存在诸多问题亟待完善和解决。因此,有必要研究洪湖市农村文化建设,以此推动洪湖市农村文化建设的发展。 本文以洪湖市农村文化建设为研究对象。首先,概述研究的背景和意义。然后,总结了洪湖市农村文化建设的必要性和重要性。接着,分析了洪湖市农村文化建设的现状及存在的问题。在以上研究的基础上,本文提出了促进洪湖市农村文化建设的构想和对策:一是结合人文风俗,举办龙舟赛,助推农村传统民俗文化延续传承;二是依托地理景观,以举办荷花节为契机,打造新洪湖市品牌农村文化;三是立足经典文化,演绎洪湖赤卫队,弘扬洪湖特色文化;四是整合革命历史,策划编撰导演湘鄂西革命史,再现洪湖市革命文化。希望通过此文促进洪湖市农村文化更好地发展,并为我国农村文化建设提供借鉴。
[Abstract]:Rural cultural construction is not only the goal and means of socialist new rural construction, but also one of the important contents of socialist construction. It can not only enrich the amateur cultural life of farmers and promote the construction of rural public cultural service system, but also promote the development of rural cultural industry, thus driving the development of rural economy. Therefore, the development of rural cultural construction is of great significance. Rural cultural construction involves a wide range, is a more complex system engineering. In recent years, Honghu City has improved its cultural institutions, improved its cultural infrastructure, enriched and enlivened rural cultural life, and the construction of rural culture has reached a new level. However, there is still a certain gap between the construction of rural culture and the increasing spiritual and cultural needs of farmers, and there are many problems to be solved. Therefore, it is necessary to study the construction of rural culture in Honghu, so as to promote the development of rural culture in Honghu. This article takes the Honghu city countryside culture construction as the research object. First, the background and significance of the research are summarized. Then, summarizes the Honghu city countryside cultural construction necessity and the importance. Then, the paper analyzes the current situation and existing problems of cultural construction in Honghu City. On the basis of the above research, this paper puts forward the ideas and countermeasures to promote the construction of rural culture in Honghu: first, holding dragon boat races in combination with human customs to promote the continuation of rural traditional folk culture; Second, relying on the geographical landscape, to hold the Lotus Festival as an opportunity to create a brand of rural culture in New Honghu City, third, based on the classic culture, the interpretation of Honghu Red Guard team, the promotion of Honghu characteristic culture; Fourth, integrate the history of revolution, plan and compile the history of Hunan-Hubei revolution, reproduce the revolutionary culture of Honghu city. It is hoped that this paper will promote the better development of rural culture in Honghu city and provide reference for the construction of rural culture in China.


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