[Abstract]:At present, culture has become an important source of national cohesion and creativity, an important factor in the competition of comprehensive national strength, and an important support for economic and social development. Based on the theory of cultural soft power, this paper analyzes the concept, connotation and elements of regional cultural soft power. For the soft power of regional culture, there are few domestic researches, which is the creative achievement of this paper. At the same time, taking Xiangtan City of Hunan Province as an example, this paper makes a deep analysis of the present situation of the cultural construction in the city, and finds that although its cultural construction has the advantages of resources and location, it is in the cultural infrastructure, cultural talent team, etc. There are still many deficiencies in the development of cultural industry. Therefore, based on the theoretical analysis of the soft power of regional culture, this paper actively explores the measures to enhance the soft power of Xiangtan culture from the aspects of enhancing cultural cohesion, perfecting the public cultural service system, and creating characteristic culture. I hope to provide support for the cultural development and prosperity of Xiangtan City. At the same time, it provides reference for the cultural construction of some similar cities and states in the whole country and Hunan Province, and provides a reference for the theoretical researchers to make more in-depth research on the field of cultural soft power.
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