本文关键词: 加拿大 平民合作联盟 农场主 劳工 民主社会主义 出处:《山东大学》2007年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 平民合作联盟是北美大陆唯一成功的一个民主社会主义政党,无疑它的出现令人注目。本文试图通过全面考察平民合作联盟的主要组成部分,来对其形成做详尽论述:对农场主造反的原因及其早期斗争情况作了详尽的介绍,这是因为早期农场主造反的原因很大程度上就是以后农场主继续造反的原因,也是因为农场主早期斗争对平民合作联盟提供了经验教训:对加拿大的劳工运动情况也作了详尽的说明,认为加拿大劳工运动四分五裂、缺少统一性,正是这种状况加强了平民合作联盟作为地区性政党的特色,当然这种特色也和农场主的地区性密切联系;对加拿大的社会主义发展情况也作了清晰的描述,这包括其由来、特征等,正是由于这些原因使得加拿大政治中有鲜明的社会主义特征,与美国形成了鲜明的对比。本文的内容大致分四个部分: 第一部分,30年代大危机之前的农场主造反运动。国家政策的不公平、西部政治地位的不平等和两党的地区性都是农场主造反的主要原因。为此,农场主进行了长期的斗争。首先是经济上的斗争。为消除中间商的剥削,他们组织了农业合作组织。然后是政治斗争,组织了政党。虽然农场主的政党最终失败了,但却产生了深远的影响,为以后平民合作联盟的成立提供了经验。20年代后期,随着经济繁荣的到来,农场主在国家发展中的地位下降。 第二部分,劳工和社会主义运动。劳工运动没有统一的组织、地区色彩浓厚和整体上的温和状态是加拿大劳工运动的两个特点;在这个背景下,西部劳工运动的主流从激进走向温和。加拿大有两类社会主义,即教条式的社会主义和民主社会主义,其中民主社会主义在加拿大是本土性的社会主义、也是加拿大主流的社会主义;劳工因所处的地区不同而与社会主义有不同的关系。 第三部分,30年代大危机和平民合作联盟的成立。30年代大危机对加拿大造成了严重的经济和社会影响。在此种情况下,农场主组织和劳工组织联合的时机成熟。在左翼知识分子和民主社会主义者的倡导下及西部劳工大会召开的鼓舞下,农场主组织、劳工组织和其它一些西部组织联合建立了平民合作联盟。平民合作联盟能够建立也因为他采取了有效的方法把各种不同的集团团结到一起。 第四部分,结语。平民合作联盟是个西部地方性的政党,其内部存在着两个矛盾。正是这两个矛盾影响了它取得更大的成功,导致它不断地修改其纲领。最终,,它和加拿大劳工大会联合组成新民主党才算基本克服了这两个矛盾,但其政党性质也开始发生变化。
[Abstract]:The civilian Cooperative Alliance is the only successful democratic socialist political party on the North American continent. To make a detailed exposition of its formation: the reasons for the peasant rebellion and its early struggle are introduced in detail. This is because the reason for the early farmer's rebellion is to a large extent the reason that the farmer will continue to revolt in the future. It is also because the early struggle of farmers provided lessons for the civilian cooperative alliance: a detailed account of the labour movement in Canada, which considered the Canadian labour movement to be fragmented and lacking in unity, It is precisely this situation that reinforces the character of the civilian Cooperative Alliance as a regional political party, which of course is closely related to the farmers' regional ties. It also gives a clear description of the development of socialism in Canada, including its origin. It is precisely because of these reasons that the characteristics of Canadian politics have distinct socialist characteristics, which are in sharp contrast with the United States. The content of this paper is divided into four parts:. The first part is the peasant rebel movement before the Great crisis of the 1930s. The unfairness of national policy, the inequality of political status in the west and the regions of the two parties are all the main reasons for the peasant rebellion. The farmers fought for a long time. First, the economic struggle. In order to eliminate the exploitation of middlemen, they organized the agricultural cooperative organization. Then the political struggle, organized the political party. Although the farmer's party finally failed, However, it had a profound influence, which provided the experience for the establishment of the civilian cooperative alliance in the late 1920s. With the arrival of economic prosperity, farmers' status in the development of the country declined. The second part, the labor and socialist movement. The labor movement does not have a unified organization, the strong regional color and the overall moderate state are the two characteristics of the Canadian labor movement; in this context, In Canada, there are two types of socialism, dogmatic socialism and democratic socialism, among which democratic socialism is local socialism in Canada. It is also the mainstream socialism in Canada; the labor force has different relations with socialism according to the region. Part III: the Great crisis of the 1930s and the founding of the Alliance for civilian Cooperation. The Great crisis of the 1930s has had a serious economic and social impact on Canada. The Farmers' Organization and the Labour Organization are ripe for joint efforts. Inspired by left-wing intellectuals and democratic socialists and inspired by the convening of the Labour Conference in the West, the Farmers' Organization, The ILO and other western organizations have joined forces to form the civilian Cooperative Alliance, which has also been possible because of its effective approach to bringing different groups together. Part 4th, conclusion. The civilian Cooperative Alliance is a local political party in the west, and there are two contradictions within it. It is these two contradictions that affect its greater success and lead it to constantly revise its program. It was only when it formed the New Democratic Party, in conjunction with the Canadian Labour Congress, that the two contradictions were largely overcome, but the nature of its party began to change.
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