[Abstract]:With the end of Roman rule in Britain, Germanic tribes from northern Europe moved to Britain. The three tribes that dominated Britain were the Angles, Saxons, and Jutes, often collectively known as the Anglo-Saxons. The Anglo-Saxons have built up the foundations of the English nation in the activities of human invasion. Therefore, the study of the evolution of the Anglo-Saxon social structure will help us to have a better understanding of this era and its impact on future generations.
This paper focuses on the Anglo-Saxon English society from the perspective of social hierarchy. Firstly, it is necessary to sort out the internal structure of the social hierarchy, then to discuss the evolution of each hierarchy and status changes, and finally to summarize the characteristics of the evolution of social hierarchy.
The full text is composed of three parts: introduction, main body and conclusion.
The first part is the introduction, which mainly includes the summary of the domestic and foreign research situation, and the narration of the background contents such as the Anglo-Saxon historical narrative and the code outline.
The second part is the text, consisting of three chapters. The first chapter mainly discusses the situation of the aristocratic hierarchy, focusing on the three aristocratic hierarchies of Edman, Gesett and Thain. The third chapter tries to summarize the characteristics of the evolution of the social hierarchy in the whole era, discusses the dependency relationship in the aristocratic hierarchy and the dependency of ordinary liberals, and considers the late Anglo-Saxon society. The emergence of feudalism has emerged in the hierarchical relationship.
The third part is the epilogue, which is mainly about the summary and the rest of the article.
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