[Abstract]:The size of Japan is small, only 1/3 of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous region. Japan, however, is a big diner. In Japan you can eat delicious food from all over the world. That is to say, the Japanese are good at absorbing food culture from all over the world, making it fit for Japanese taste and integrating with their traditional diet culture. As a result, Japan is a nation of longevity and proud of its rich and scientific diet. Especially after the Meiji Restoration, the Japanese innovators actively advocated opening up the country and absorbing western culture. The ban on meat was first abolished. Many Western restaurants have appeared in port cities such as Yokohama, and eating western food has become a fashion. The government also began to entertain guests with western food in diplomatic exchanges. Ordinary people also actively absorb foreign culture. This can also be said to lay the foundation of today's Japanese food culture. So today's Japanese cuisine has an international character. As we all know, the Japanese eat a variety of meals a day, Chinese cuisine, Korean cuisine and other free choice. Moreover, convenient and cheap food is very popular with young people. The price of pure Japanese food is so high that it sometimes becomes the patent of the rich. As a result, the traditional Japanese cuisine is gradually forgotten, can be said to ordinary people as a luxury (money and time). As a result, the issue began to attract attention. By consulting a large number of documents and materials and starting with the historical data after the Meiji Restoration, this paper discusses the advantages of Japanese diet culture and the existing problems in combination with the present situation of diet.
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