发布时间:2021-06-07 13:13
80年代末90年代初,随着东欧巨变,德国统一,以及苏联解体等一系列重大历史事件的发生,长达40多年的冷战终于结束。为了适应冷战结束后国际形势的巨大变化,美国对其全球战略进行了重大调整,经历了从布什政府“世界新秩序”到克林顿政府以经济安全,军事优势和全球民主化为三大支柱的“参与和扩展”战略再到小布什新政府初见端倪的实力外交战略,基本形成了美国后冷战时代的全球战略框架。本文力图在分析冷战后世界格局,美国对其全球战略的探讨,和布什、克林顿、小布什四届政府的全球战略选择及其得失的基础上,全面剖析后冷战时代美国全球战略实现和维护美国国家利益和美国全球霸权的实质。全文共分四章。 第一章阐述了冷战后国际格局的新特点及其对美国全球战略调整的影响。冷战结束后国际格局的重新构建与整合,世界经济全球化和政治多极化的加速,全球问题的凸显,以及其自身政治、经济、社会和文化问题的恶化促使美国对其全球战略进行反思与探讨以应对新的挑战与机遇。 第二章具体分析了冷战后美国四届政府全球战略调整和实践。布什政府提出了“世界新秩序”的全球战略构想,以期实现“美国治下的和平”;克林顿政府倡导以经济、安全、民主化为支...
【文章来源】:四川大学四川省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:68 页
Chapter Ⅰ The Post-Cold War Context of U.S. Global Strategy
Section One The World after the Cold War
1. The International System in the Aftermath of the Cold War
2. The Push of Integration and the Pull of Fragmentation
Section Two Searching for a Post-Cold War U.S. Global Strategy
1. The Rethinking of the Cold War
2. The Explorations of a Post-Cold War U.S. Global Strategy
Chapter Ⅱ The Practices of U.S. Post-Cold War Global Strategy
Section One From Containment to New World Order
Section Two Clinton's Engagement and Enlargement
Section Three George W. Bush's Power Strategy
Chapter Ⅲ Old Wine in New Bottles
Section One Continuity and Change: the Soul of U.S. Post-Cold War Global Strategy
Section Two Confrontation or Cooperation: the United States at the Crossroad
Section Three The Terrorist Attacks of September 11 and Beyond
Chapter Ⅳ Conclusion
【文章来源】:四川大学四川省 211工程院校 985工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:68 页
Chapter Ⅰ The Post-Cold War Context of U.S. Global Strategy
Section One The World after the Cold War
1. The International System in the Aftermath of the Cold War
2. The Push of Integration and the Pull of Fragmentation
Section Two Searching for a Post-Cold War U.S. Global Strategy
1. The Rethinking of the Cold War
2. The Explorations of a Post-Cold War U.S. Global Strategy
Chapter Ⅱ The Practices of U.S. Post-Cold War Global Strategy
Section One From Containment to New World Order
Section Two Clinton's Engagement and Enlargement
Section Three George W. Bush's Power Strategy
Chapter Ⅲ Old Wine in New Bottles
Section One Continuity and Change: the Soul of U.S. Post-Cold War Global Strategy
Section Two Confrontation or Cooperation: the United States at the Crossroad
Section Three The Terrorist Attacks of September 11 and Beyond
Chapter Ⅳ Conclusion