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发布时间:2017-05-18 04:02


【摘要】:内战前,尤其是十八世纪晚期和十九世纪早期,奴隶法典伴随着整个美国下南部地区和墨西哥湾地区。这些法典大都表达了同样的意思:奴隶不是人而是一种“财产”,法律应保护所有者对其“财产”的所有权,同样也保护白人免受潜在的奴隶威胁。内战之后,废奴主义者们基于黑人士兵在保卫联邦时所作的贡献,支持黑人获得解放。在这种情况下,联邦宪法颁布第十四条修正案,正是给予黑人公民权并承诺在法律面前,与白人同样平等;而第十五条修正案通过从法律上给予黑人选举权。 从奴役中解放出来的黑人奴隶使得南部的经济模式面临严重的考验。自由黑人拒绝曾是奴隶制回忆的帮组劳动制,他们更倾向于分成劳动制,但由于被白人农场主极力压低工资,使得仅有很少自由黑人能坚持下去。 最后,本文得出结论:重建过后,尽管第十四,十五条修正案从法律上终结了黑人作为奴隶的命运,但广大的黑人在实际中仍没有同白人一样的政治权利。在广大的南方田园地区,分成劳动制代替了内战前的种植园奴隶制,其基本的社会经济结构并没有被完全推翻。大部分的大种植园主即南部社会的上层阶级在内战与重建的严酷环境下幸存了下来,而茫茫黑人大众仍然是依赖于种植园主,没有财产的穷苦农民。
【关键词】:南部奴隶制 南北战争前后 奴隶 政治 经济
  • Abstract6-8
  • 摘要8-9
  • Acknowledgements9-12
  • Chapter 1 Introduction12-16
  • 1.1 The Reasons for Choosing the Topie12
  • 1.2 The Research Background of the Paper12-13
  • 1.3 Definitions of Some Terms in the Paper13
  • 1.4 An Overview of the Thesis13-16
  • Chapter 2 Literature Review16-21
  • 2.1 Review of International Achievements in This Field16-18
  • 2.2 Review of Domestic Achievements in this Field18-19
  • 2.3 Inspiration from Literature Review19
  • 2.4 The Significance of Writing the Thesis19-21
  • Chapter 3 Forms and Development of North American Slavery21-28
  • 3.1 The Development of the Negro Slave Trade21-23
  • 3.2 The Development of Slavery23-24
  • 3.3 The Causes of the Formation of Slavery24-26
  • 3.4 Southern Plantation Slavery26-28
  • Chapter 4 Economic Status of Southern Slaves before the Civil War28-41
  • 4.1 Labor Conditions of Slaves28-33
  • 4.1.1 Gender Division of Labor29-31
  • 4.1.2 The Gang System and Task System31-32
  • 4.1.3 The Slave Hiring System32-33
  • 4.2 Living Conditions of Slaves33-41
  • 4.2.1 The Slaves' Diet34-35
  • 4.2.2 The Slaves' Family and the Kinship System35-39
  • 4.2.3 The Slaves' Housing and Clothes39-41
  • Chapter 5 Economic Status of Southern Free Blacks during the ReconstructionEra41-47
  • 5.1 The Desire for Land41-43
  • 5.2 The Sharecropping System43-45
  • 5.3 The Wage System and the Squad System45-47
  • Chapter 6 Political Status of Southern Slaves before the Civil War47-54
  • 6.1 Overseers and Slaves47-48
  • 6.2 Masters and Slaves48-51
  • 6.3 Resistance51-54
  • Chapter 7 Political Status of Southern Free Blacks during the ReconstructionEra54-66
  • 7.1 Lincoln's Moderate Policies of Reconstruction54-57
  • 7.2 Andrew Johnson's Policies of Reconstruction57-59
  • 7.3 Radical Reconstruction59-66
  • 7.3.1 The Fourteenth Amendment and the Segregation60-63
  • 7.3.2 The Fifteenth Amendment and Racial Prejudice63-66
  • Conclusion66-69
  • References69-73


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1 张禹九;南北战争后的美国南方文化[J];美国研究;1992年02期





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