发布时间:2024-05-22 23:01
麦凯纳斯是奥古斯都从起家之初到元首制确立初期不可或缺的助手之一,无论在外交还是内政方面都为其做出了重要贡献。而他另一个更广为人知的身份则是著名的文学赞助人,因为他赞助了一批杰出的诗人,如维吉尔、贺拉斯等,并形成了一个以他为中心的文学团体,现代西方也更多的是将“Maecenas”一词当作文学和艺术赞助人的代名词。然而身为政客的麦凯纳斯对文学的赞助并非简单地出于兴趣,而是有着明显的政治目的。因此,详细全面考察麦凯纳斯的政治生涯,对我们认识麦凯纳斯赞助文学行为的实质能有更客观深入的了解。 在笔者所见材料中,国外学者多在研究奥古斯都或罗马文学时兼论及麦凯纳斯,较为分散。由于麦凯纳斯本人政治生涯低调,终身仅为骑士,没有任何正式官衔,也未被授予任何显赫荣誉,因而国内学界对他的关注较少,缺乏对他的全面介绍。笔者综合所收集到的资料,在借鉴国外研究成果的基础上,结合罗马共和末期到帝国初期的政局,以麦凯纳斯的政治生涯为主线,进而分析他赞助文学的实质。 本论文共分为四部分: 前言:提出论点,概述古典著作家及国外学者对麦凯纳斯的论述。 第一章:论述麦凯纳斯生活的时代背景及其生平...
【文章页数】:41 页
English Abstract
Chinese Abstract
Chapter One: Maecenas' career and his era
Ⅰ:The situation in the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning Principate
1.The breakdown of the Republic and the civil wars
2.The decline of the Senate
3.The increasing importance of the order of Equites
Ⅱ:Maecenas' origin and his public life
1:Maecenas's origin
2.As a diplomatist and administrator
3.As an adviser and counselor
4.As a patron of literature
Ⅲ:Maecenas' status——in society and politics
1.As a knight
2.As an amicus of Augustus
Chapter Two: The literature sponsored by Maecenas
Ⅰ:The development of Roman literature to the Augustan Age
Ⅱ:The development of poetry in Rome and its political function
1.The development of poetry
2.The poetry in Golden Age and the relationship between poetry and politics
Ⅲ:Maecenas and his literature circle
1.Maecenas' patronage for poets
2.The necessity of political protection for writers
Ⅳ:The intention of Maecenas' patronage and The political elements in the main works of Maecenas' literature circle
1.The intention——supporting Augustus' regime
2.The political elements in his literature circle
【文章页数】:41 页
English Abstract
Chinese Abstract
Chapter One: Maecenas' career and his era
Ⅰ:The situation in the end of the Roman Republic and the beginning Principate
1.The breakdown of the Republic and the civil wars
2.The decline of the Senate
3.The increasing importance of the order of Equites
Ⅱ:Maecenas' origin and his public life
1:Maecenas's origin
2.As a diplomatist and administrator
3.As an adviser and counselor
4.As a patron of literature
Ⅲ:Maecenas' status——in society and politics
1.As a knight
2.As an amicus of Augustus
Chapter Two: The literature sponsored by Maecenas
Ⅰ:The development of Roman literature to the Augustan Age
Ⅱ:The development of poetry in Rome and its political function
1.The development of poetry
2.The poetry in Golden Age and the relationship between poetry and politics
Ⅲ:Maecenas and his literature circle
1.Maecenas' patronage for poets
2.The necessity of political protection for writers
Ⅳ:The intention of Maecenas' patronage and The political elements in the main works of Maecenas' literature circle
1.The intention——supporting Augustus' regime
2.The political elements in his literature circle