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发布时间:2016-07-12 18:00


  在研究内容方面,考察了研究内容从对西方哲学问题和思想的简单移植到对中国哲学本身义理的挖掘与创新的过渡。在研究结构方面,考察了研究结构从最初的照搬照抄西方的结构模式到对中国哲学自身结构模式的建构的过渡。在研究方法方面,考察了研究方法的从方法的一元化到方法的多元化再到方法的综合创新的转变。通过考察上述四个方面的演进发展,揭示了中国哲学史学科的三个范式之间的逐层演进发展的过程,同时也展现了每个范式的特征和不足。 通过对中国哲学史学科范式的历史考察,文章总结了中国哲学史学科建设所获得的经验和存在的不足。中国哲学史学科从建立之初就依附西方哲学,造成了中国哲学主体性的失位,后来,逐渐过渡到借鉴和参照外国哲学,重新建立中国哲学的主体性,进行中国哲学的创新。具体来讲,在哲学观方面,以开放的国际化的视野,努力寻求现代性与民族性的统一。在框架模式方面,以更加谨慎的态度,在借鉴西方哲学的基础上,努力建构中国哲学自身的义理体系。
  【关键词】:中国哲学史  学科  范式
  【 abstract 】 : the subject of Chinese philosophy is founded under the background of modern academic, academic modern characteristic is on the basis of western academic norms. Chinese philosophy discipline construction appeared too near the phenomenon of western philosophy, has covered the national characteristics of Chinese philosophy is facing the conflict between modernization and the nationalization, triggering "rewrite the discipline of Chinese philosophy and Chinese philosophy paradigm innovation" the big discussion of the problem. Then, academic circles began to examine disciplinary paradigm of Chinese philosophy. Is the main case study on the current study, the research is scattered and superficial, the breadth, depth and systematic research is insufficient.
  With the method of system research, this paper comprehensively examines the three paradigm of Chinese philosophy discipline: westernized paradigm, marxist philosophy paradigm, China's "localization" paradigm. For each model, adopt the method of ancient and modern Chinese and western vertical and horizontal comparison, from philosophy, the research content, research methods, research structure four aspects to elaborate, seek its theory origin, in order to be more objective and comprehensive investigation to the subject of Chinese philosophy model. In terms of philosophy, examines the definition of "philosophy" to "western philosophy" as the standard of the external dimensions to the inside dimensions of the "Chinese philosophy" as the main body of the shift.
  Was investigated in terms of research contents, the research content from the problems of western philosophy and the thought of simply transplanted into itself to dig the argumentation and innovation of Chinese philosophy transition. Was investigated in terms of research structure, research the structure of the structure from the original copying western mode to the transition of the construction of the structural pattern of Chinese philosophy. In terms of research method, investigates the research methods from the combination of methods to the methods of diversification to the comprehensive innovation of transformation. By investigating the evolution of the above four aspects, revealed that Chinese philosophy subject step by step between the three paradigms of evolution development process, but also show the characteristics and shortcomings of each paradigm. Through the history of Chinese philosophy subject paradigm, the article summarizes the experience gained by the subject construction of Chinese philosophy and the deficiencies. Chinese philosophy discipline from establishing is attached at the beginning of western philosophy, caused the Chinese philosophy of subjectivity, absence of later, gradually transition to the reference and reference to foreign philosophy, to establish the subjectivity of Chinese philosophy, Chinese philosophy of innovation. Specifically, in terms of philosophy, with an open international field of vision, seek unity of modernity and nationality. In terms of framework model, in a more cautious attitude, on the basis of western philosophy, efforts to construct the theoretical system of Chinese philosophy itself.
  In terms of research methods, with broad mind, for domestic and foreign research methods of comprehensive innovation. Results have been obtained at the same time, the weakness of subject construction of Chinese philosophy. In written form, basic use in the writing of history of Chinese philosophy, that is to s for the order, to elaborate the development history of Chinese philosophy, the writing is too single and rigid. Comparing the philosophy in China and foreign countries, the Chinese and foreign philosophy is often in a position of inequality, the existence of primary and secondary division, the conclusion obtained with great subjective and one-sided.
  【 key words 】 : the subject of Chinese philosophy paradigm
  ·第1章 引言10-22
  ·1.1 选题的来源及意义10-11
  ·1.2 文献综述11-17
  ·1.2.1 中国大陆的研究现状和发展趋势11-14
  ·1.2.2 港台地区的研究现状和发展趋势14-16
  ·1.2.3 国外的研究现状和发展趋势16-17
  ·1.3 研究的主要内容及篇章结构17-20
  ·1.4 研究的难点与创新点20-22
  ·1.4.1 研究的难点20-21
  ·1.4.2 研究的创新点21-22
  ·第2章 中国哲学史学科发展概述22-39
  ·2.1 相关概念的界定22-26
  ·2.1.1 哲学的由来及含义22-23
  ·2.1.2 “中国哲学史”的界定23-25
  ·2.1.3 “范式”的界定25-26
  ·2.2 中国哲学史学科发展历程26-34
  ·2.2.1 中国哲学史学科的启蒙阶段27-29
  ·2.2.2 中国哲学史学科的初步建立29-32
  ·2.2.3 中国哲学史学科的继续发展32-34
  ·2.3 中国哲学的合法性问题34-39
  ·2.3.1 中国哲学学说的合法性问题34-37
  ·2.3.2 中国哲学学科的合法性问题37-39
  ·第3章 西方化范式39-59
  ·3.1 时代背景39-40
  ·3.2 哲学观40-44
  ·3.2.1 胡适的哲学观41-42
  ·3.2.2 冯友兰的哲学观42-43
  ·3.2.3 胡适、冯友兰的哲学观述评43-44
  ·3.3 研究内容44-49
  ·3.3.1 对哲学基本问题和思想内容的预设45-46
  ·3.3.2 中西方哲学思想之间的“反向格义”46-49
  ·3.4 研究结构49-53
  ·3.4.1 西方哲学三分法的内容结构49-50
  ·3.4.2 中国哲学史的“三分式”板块结构50-52
  ·3.4.3 对中国哲学史“三分式”板块结构的述评52-53
  ·3.5 研究方法53-59
  ·3.5.1 对哲学史料的处理方法53-56
  ·3.5.2 对哲学思想形式系统的建构方法56-59
  ·第4章 马克思主义哲学化范式59-94
  ·4.1 马克思主义哲学中国化的概述59-64
  ·4.1.1 马克思主义哲学的中国化历程59-62
  ·4.1.2 中国哲学史研究的马克思主义哲学化62-64
  ·4.2 哲学观和哲学史观64-70
  ·4.2.1 马克思唯物主义哲学观和哲学史观64-65
  ·4.2.2 日丹诺夫哲学史定义影响下的哲学观和哲学史观65-67
  ·4.2.3 列宁哲学史定义影响下的哲学观和哲学史观67-70
  ·4.3 研究内容70-76
  ·4.3.1 马克思主义唯物史观和辩证法70-72
  ·4.3.2 中国哲学史发展的一般根据72-74
  ·4.3.3 中国哲学史发展的特殊根据74-76
  ·4.4 研究结构76-84
  ·4.4.1 对子结构76-80
  ·4.4.2 螺旋式圆圈结构80-84
  ·4.5 研究方法84-94
  ·4.5.1 对哲学思想的历史主义分析方法85-87
  ·4.5.2 对哲学思想的阶级分析方法87-90
  ·4.5.3 逻辑与历史的统一90-94
  ·第5章 中国“本土化”范式94-121
  ·5.1 “本土化”内涵的概述94-101
  ·5.1.1 “本土化”的界定94-95
  ·5.1.2 “本土化”思潮的兴起95-98
  ·5.1.3 中国哲学史的“本土化”历程98-101
  ·5.2 哲学观和哲学史观101-106
  ·5.2.1 “中国本土”的哲学观和哲学史观102-104
  ·5.2.2 “中国本位”的哲学观和哲学史观104-106
  ·5.3 研究内容106-113
  ·5.3.1 解析中国传统哲学范畴的内涵106-108
  ·5.3.2 挖掘中国哲学义理的本质特色108-111
  ·5.3.3 创建新的哲学体系111-113
  ·5.4 研究结构113-115
  ·5.4.1 中国哲学的实质系统与形式系统113-114
  ·5.4.2 以问题为纲的中国哲学体系的构建114-115
  ·5.5 研究方法115-121
  ·5.5.1 对中国哲学传统研究方法的继承和创新115-117
  ·5.5.2 中西哲学之间比较和融会贯通的方法117-119
  ·5.5.3 中西马哲学方法的综合创新119-121
  ·第6章 中国哲学史学科建设的经验与不足121-128
  ·6.1 经验121-125
  ·6.1.1 哲学观的开放性121-122
  ·6.1.2 框架模式的构建122-123
  ·6.1.3 研究方法的综合创新123-125
  ·6.2 不足125-128
  ·6.2.1 书写形式的过于单一化125-126
  ·6.2.2 中外哲学比较的不平等126-128





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