
发布时间:2018-01-01 10:29

  本文关键词:从《礼记》阐述的音乐形式论周代社会的政治内涵 出处:《陕西师范大学》2006年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 《礼记》 周礼 礼乐制度 儒家 《乐记》

【摘要】:《礼记》是我国古代著名的礼学著作,它详细记载了周代各种礼典的实施程序、内在意义,并从内涵、外延两个范畴,对周礼进行了细致地解释。《礼记》是儒家的代表性论著,以宣扬其治世之道为己任,具有强烈的儒学思想意识。儒家所提倡的“中庸”、“德治”、“仁政”等理念,都在《礼记》中得到突出反映。“礼、乐、刑、政”是儒家治政的信条,音乐作为独特的手段,,因其“移风易俗”的显著功效而得到统治阶级的重视。本文的写作目的,就是通过探讨《礼记》记载的音乐形式,综述音乐在周代政治中的特殊地位和重要作用,并以此揭示周代音乐的政治内涵。 在此之前,以《礼记》为研究对象的论著可谓不胜枚举,但此类著作大多以“礼”为立足点,主要阐述周礼的种种特质,甚少涉及其中的音乐元素。另一方面,很多学者在研究《礼记》的音乐价值时也做过诸多有益的探索,但这些探索往往集中于对《乐记》篇的议论,而散存于《礼记》其他章节中的音乐元素却常常被忽视,导致了许多重要资料的遗失和荒废。另外,音乐界对《礼记》音乐成分的研究,常常只针对“乐”,而忽略了与之并存的“礼”,这样容易造成对周代音乐理解的片面性。而将礼、乐分离的做法,也会使研究因脱离了周代“礼乐制度”的大背景,而导致从认识上对周代音乐的性质和意义认识不足。本文在确定以周代音乐为研究对象的同时,立足于周礼,将音乐置诸礼仪中,使礼、乐成为一个整体,如此,在了解周代礼仪音乐的同时,又清晰地了解了礼与乐之间的千丝万屡的联系,能更好地体会周代音乐的政治意义。 本文共分三个章节进行论述: 第一章:介绍《礼记》和周礼。本文的写作以《礼记》为出发点,所以在开篇部分首先介绍了《礼记》的成书、流传版本、章节及内容划分。随后,作者还对《礼记》中(除《乐记》篇外)的音乐资料做了简要地举证,包括《礼记》中提及的乐器和《礼记》中散存的音乐史料两部分。这些对《礼记》中音乐成分的必要梳理,正是本文写作和立论的基础。在读者对《礼记》及其内容有了大致地认识之后,本文又对“周礼”展开了系统地陈述。分别从礼的起源、周礼的本质和作用、周礼的制定和分类等方面,论证了周礼在周代日常生活和政治活动中的重要地位。 第二章:介绍周礼中音乐元素的使用和作用。本章从人伦道德和政治制度两个部分入手,通过对日常生活用乐礼仪及祭祀礼、射礼、饮酒礼等政治礼典中音
[Abstract]:< > is the famous works of rites of the ancient ritual in China, its detailed implementation of the program, Zhou Dai quotli intrinsic meaning, and from the connotation, extension of the two category, for a detailed explanation. The book of rites is a representative works of Confucian "rites of Zhou, to promote the governance of the world mission, have a strong consciousness of Confucianism. Confucianism advocated by the" golden mean "," rule of virtue "and" benevolence "concept, are reflected in the" book of rites. > "ceremony, music, punishment, politics is the Confucian political creed, music as a unique means for the" carry "the significant effect get the attention of the ruling class. The purpose of this paper is through the study of rites recorded music form < >, the special status of review of music in Zhou Dai in politics and the important role, and reveal the political connotation of Zhou Dai music.
Prior to this, the < > rites as the object of study works can be described as such works mostly be too numerous to enumerate, but the "ceremony" as the starting point, mainly expounds the idiosyncrasies of Zhou, seldom involved in musical elements of them. On the other hand, many scholars in the study of "book of rites Music > value has done many beneficial exploration however, the exploration is often focused on the" music > text comments, and scattered music elements stored in other chapters in the book of Rites "> is often ignored, leading to a lot of important data loss and waste. In addition, the research on the" book of rites > musical elements of music, often only for "joy" while ignoring the coexist with the "ritual", so easily lead to one-sided understanding of Zhou Dai's music. The music ceremony, the practice of separating, also can make the study because out of Zhou Dai "music system" in the background, which led to the nature and meaning of Zhou Daiyin's music from the understanding The meaning of lack of knowledge. On the basis of determining to Zhou Dai music as the research object at the same time, based on the rites, the music will make etiquette, ritual, music as a whole, so, in the understanding of Zhou Dai's music and etiquette, and clearly understand the rites and music of the thousand million repeatedly contact to better understand the political significance of Zhou Dai's music.
This article is divided into three chapters.
The first chapter introduces the "rites of Zhou" and writing in this paper. < > rites as the starting point, so in the first part first introduced the "book of Rites" versions, chapters and contents. Then, the author of "book of rites (except Music > < > post) music the data are briefly provided, including" two part musical materials mentioned in the book of Rites "scattered deposit instruments and < > in the book of rites. These rites of music composition in < > the necessary order, is the basis of this writing and argument. In the readers of the book of rites and the contents of the < > roughly understanding, the" Zhouli "launched a systematic statement. From the origin, nature and role of Zhou, Zhou's formulation and classification etc., demonstrates the important position in the daily life of Zhou Dai and Zhou in political activities.
The second chapter introduces the use and effect of Zhou Lizhong music elements. This chapter from the moral and political system of two parts. First, through music and ritual ceremony etiquette, on daily life, such as political ritual ceremony Alto



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