发布时间:2018-01-03 03:26
本文关键词:论经世派与道光六年漕运改革 出处:《郑州大学》2001年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】: 嘉道年间的清王朝颓势已现,从关系国计民生的漕政即可看 出端倪。这时漕政涉及诸环节弊端丛生,整个漕务机构臃肿,人 浮于事,效率低下,国家受损,人民受累;不仅如此,漕运的运 转还严重影响对黄河的治理,沿途农田水利的建设和南北商业贸 易的发展,此时漕运病入膏肓,亟待改革。 面对乾隆后社会矛盾日益激化,盐、漕、河等内政积弊丛丛 的严峻形势,一些有识之士敏感地觉察到不变不行,,只有变才能 挽救自身统治趋于崩溃的命运。他们继承清初经世致用的思想, 撰写时政论文,研讨治国大政,究心实际问题,倡导经世致用, 力做实事,试图起衰振弊,是为经世派。道光四年运道冲毁,漕 运无法正常运转,急需改革的漕运为具有济世利民思想的经世派 提供了施展抱负才能的机会。 道光六年经世派以实事求是的态度、变革的精神,多方组织、 策划,采取诸多有效措施,顺利实现了漕粮海上运输的改革,取 得了巨大成功。这次漕运改革是经世派缓和社会矛盾,以其所学 服务于现实政治和社会实际的首次举措,体现了经世派注重时政, 讲求功效及其积极变革与进取的治世精神。这也说明,鸦片战争 后,经世派睁眼看世界,产生维新先驱思想,绝非偶然。
[Abstract]:The decline of the Qing Dynasty in the period of Jia Dao has already appeared, and can be seen from the Caozhi, which has a bearing on the national economy and the people's livelihood. At this time the Caozheng involved in various links of malpractice, the whole Caoshe organization bloated, people Floating in the matter, inefficient, the country is damaged, the people suffer; not only that, the transport of water transport It also seriously affected the management of the Yellow River, the construction of irrigation and water conservancy along the way and the commercial trade between the North and the South. Easy development, water transport at this time terminally ill, the urgent need for reform. In the face of social contradictions after Qianlong increasingly intensified, salt, water, river and other internal problems cluster In the grim situation, some people of insight are sensitively aware that no change can be done, and that only change can be achieved To save the fate of their rule falling apart. They inherited the useful ideas of the early Qing Dynasty. Writing papers on current politics, discussing the major policies of governing the country, focusing on practical problems, and advocating the practical use of the world, Efforts to do practical things, trying to rise the problem of vibration, is for the Jingshi School. Four years of Dao Guang Road destroyed, Caocao Transport can not function normally, and the urgently needed reform of Caoyun is a school of thought of "benefiting the world and benefiting the people". It provides an opportunity to display one's ambition. Daoguang six years Jingshi School with the attitude of seeking truth from facts, the spirit of change, various organizations, By planning and taking many effective measures, the reform of grain transportation by sea has been successfully realized. Great success has been achieved. The reform of the canal transportation is a relaxation of social contradictions by the school of the world, with which it has learned The first move to serve the reality of politics and the reality of society reflects the fact that the Scholastic School pays attention to the current political situation. Focus on effectiveness and the spirit of positive change and enterprising governance. This also shows that the Opium War After that, it was no accident that Jingshi School opened its eyes and saw the world.
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