本文关键词:祖普南杰求赏事及19世纪初清朝与哲孟雄的关系 出处:《民族研究》2015年06期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In 1821, King Zupunanjie asked the Minister of the Qing Dynasty to be stationed in Tibet, the Gaxia government awarded the post of Camp Parker Li, the local people of Zhuomu Valley, and so on, which led to the discussion about the relationship between the Qing Dynasty and philosophy Mengxiong. Results the ministers in Tibet not only rejected the request of philosophy Mengxiong, but also issued the policy of restricting Wang Zhan Li from entering Tibet. This paper makes use of the historical data of Tibetan and Chinese languages. To this matter and its historical influence were studied. It is considered that philosophy Mengxiong repeatedly sought to reward the official, the place. It reflects its deep dissatisfaction with the Qing army's failure to recover the territories occupied by Gurkha after the Qing Army expelled the Gurkha War in 1792. Although there is a precedent for seeking rewards, after the promulgation of Article 29 of the articles of Association for the settlement of Rehabilitation in Tibet. The Qing Dynasty's foreign exchange policy in Tibet became more and more conservative. The minister of state stationed in Tibet ignored Cher Meng-hsiung 's request for reward, which led to the British forces taking advantage of it. In the beginning of 19th century, when Britain began to colonize the Himalayas, the principle of "equal treatment" in the "frontier policy" of the Qing Dynasty has highlighted its shortcomings.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院近代史研究所;中国民族语文翻译局;
【正文快照】: 道光元年(1821)夏,哲孟雄第七代国王(清代文献称为“部长”)祖普南杰(gtsug-phudrnam-rgyal,1785—1863)前往拉萨朝圣,期间向摄政噶勒丹锡勒图萨玛第巴克什提出赏给西藏帕克里(phag-ri,今亚东县帕里镇)营官职务或卓木(gro-mo,今亚东河谷)地方百姓等请求。原禀文本未见有刊布,
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