
发布时间:2018-01-16 00:09

  本文关键词:宋代南渡时期沙县名儒邓肃 出处:《福建师范大学》2006年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 邓肃 南渡时期 《拼榈文集》

【摘要】:邓肃是我国历史上著名的谏官,唐朝邓光布将军的后裔。年少时,即警敏能文,美风仪,善谈论。他为人刚正,关心民瘼。在徽宗时因坐上诗讽刺花石纲被屏出太学而名动天下。至靖康元年(1126)钦宗即位,因李纲大力推荐,,得钦宗召对便殿,赐进士出身、补承务郎,授鸿胪寺主薄。后金兵犯阙,他奉命出使金营,被扣五十日,坚强不屈,还设法探听敌营虚实,了解军情,得出了“金人不足畏”的结论,极力主战。高宗时又擢为左正言。他居谏官三个月,疏奏二十次,大胆揭露时弊,提出救国良策,亮直之名满天下。宋建炎元年(1127)八月,李纲因坚持抗金,受权臣陷害而再次罢相。邓肃不计得失,竭力反对,并为之申辩,赞颂“李纲真以身殉国者”,再次触怒执政,贬出守郡,罢官回家。邓肃罢官回家乡沙县后,目睹风雨飘摇的国势,仍念念不忘国事,孤忠之气溢于言表。 邓肃有《h榈文集》二十五卷,其诗文在宋朝不愧为名家,但是因为为他的气节所掩,且遗存的文集极为难得,所以知道他的人并不多。笔者在大量占有材料的基础上,试图从邓肃的生卒年月、籍贯与字号、邓肃的族系家学与生平、邓肃的交游、《h榈文集》历代公私藏书目的著录及刻版本源流以及邓肃的诗、词、文、书论几方面对邓肃做系统的研究,以期对他有一个全面的认识和了解。 小结:邓肃一生短暂,但其爱国精神和民族气节,却万古流芳。他留下的《h榈文集》,至今仍有史料价值和文学价值,值得进一步深入研究。
[Abstract]:Deng Su is a famous remonstrant in the history of our country, the descendant of General Deng Guangbo in Tang Dynasty. When he was young, he was the first man to talk about. Care about the plight of the people. In Huizong because of sitting on a poem satirizing Shigang was screened out of the world and famous. To Jing Kang the first year of his reign) King, because Li Gang strongly recommended, the emperor was called to the right temple, gave Jin Shi origin. He was ordered to go to the Jinying camp, where he was detained for 50 days, unyielding. He also tried to find out the truth of the enemy camp, understand the military situation, and came to the conclusion that "the golden people are not enough to be feared." He spent three months as a remonstrant official, played 20 times, boldly exposed the malpractices of the country, put forward a good plan to save the country, and became famous all over the world. Song Jianyan's first year was 1127). Because Li Gang insisted on resisting gold and being framed by officials, Deng Su tried his best to oppose it, defended it, praised "Li Gangzhen as a martyr," and again angered and demoted out of the county. After Deng Su returned home to Shaxian, he saw the wind and rain in the country, and still remembered the state, and the spirit of his loyalty was overflowing with words. Deng Su has 25 volumes of the works of "h Palm". His poems and essays were worthy of fame in the Song Dynasty, but because of his integrity, the collection of his remains is extremely rare. So there are not many people who know him. On the basis of possessing a lot of materials, the author tries to study Deng Su from the birth and death month of Deng Su, the place of origin and its name, Deng Su's family family and life history, and Deng Su's acquaintance. The collection of books by the public and private in the past dynasties, the source and stream of the purpose of the book collection, and Deng Su's poems, words, articles, and book theories have been systematically studied in order to have a comprehensive understanding and understanding of Deng Su. Summary: Deng Su's life is short, but his patriotic spirit and national integrity are everlasting.


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6 陈庆元;两宋之际闽籍爱国诗人群体[J];中共福建省委党校学报;1996年04期

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8 王强;论古代公文繁冗之弊[J];中央财经大学学报;1984年S1期

9 缪士毅;秋来赏桂正当时[J];现代养生;2003年09期

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1 金文凯;宋代南渡时期沙县名儒邓肃[D];福建师范大学;2006年




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