本文关键词: 唐代铨选 判文 试判文本 试判体制 试判题材 判断依据 出处:《郑州大学》2013年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文
【摘要】:“判”是中国文学中最具代表性的文体之一,在唐代以前经历了一个很长的发展过程。其产生之初,原本是政府官员用来处理行政司法事务的公文,在唐代用于取士选官,便产生了“试判”这一特殊类型。本文所研究的唐代“试判”,既包括唐代官方主持的各类选官活动中创作的官试判,又包括唐人为了在这类考试中取得优秀成绩,私下练习自测的私试判和用来参考模仿的程式试判。由于铨选制度的影响,试判在唐代极为兴盛,成为唐判的重要组成部分。研究唐代试判,对全面理解唐代文学和文化有重要意义。 本文从取士选官的政治制度入手,从考试学的角度,对“试判”这一文本进行全面系统的专门研究。主要的内容如下: 第一章唐代判文概述根据文献资料,对唐代判文文献进行梳理,分别考证论述亡佚和传世的唐代判文文献,梳理出唐代判文文本约一千三百篇。将唐代判文分为试判、案判和杂判三类,其中现存试判文本为一千一百八十五篇。其它为案判和杂判。 第二章唐代试判制度考述本章分别对唐代流外入流、春关、铨选和书判拔萃科以判为试项的选官活动进行论述,通过参加选官活动的考生人选及其知识构成、考试录取的比例、试判对选官活动的影响,分析试判在选官活动中发挥的作用:流外入流的考试对象是以勋戚子弟为主的流外官,试判难度低,录取标准宽松,常被批评流于形式;春关试判主要针对刚通过进士、明经等科举考试的及第者,试判优劣影响他们参加铨选时间的早晚;相比而言,试判在铨选活动中发挥着更大的作用。铨选要求每位选人试判的水平都要达到一定的标准,否则不予授官。而且,达到一定标准的选人,试判的优劣高下还影响到他们所授官职的好坏。唐人参加铨选需要符合一定的年限“资格”,如果擅长试判,则可以提前参加书判拔萃科的科目选试,完全由试判成绩来决定是否登科和相应的授官结果。所以说,试判在唐代取士选官中的作用是越来越重要的。 第三章唐代试判的形式体制本章将唐代试判的结构分为篇名、判目和判对三部分。首先,篇名疑为后人所加,从略。关于试判的判目取材,根据来源出处的不同,分为公务案牍式、经籍古义式和僻书曲学式三种类型。其中,公务案牍式指以州县案牍、时事疑议为判目的模式;经籍古义式是以官方指定的经史典籍为判目的模式;僻书曲学式是指以偏僻典籍和隐伏之义为判目的模式。唐代试判,最初取材于公务案牍,不数年的时间,其取材迅速转向经史典籍和僻书曲学,之后多种模式的判目并存。所以,由此造成相应的试判难度的变化,也是由易到难,之后保持着较为适中的难易程度。 其次,分析判目的结构,将它们从内容上分为涉案人物、事件背景、事件过程、异议处断和抗辩词五个组成部分。每一个部分都存在繁简程度不同的复杂式和简略式,所形成的判目也就呈现出详略不同的变化。应当注意的是,同一则判目中,各个组成部分的繁简程度往往是不同步的:有些判目对事件背景和事件过程的叙述较为详细,而抗辩词较为简略;也有些判目人物和事件简略,而疑议处置和抗辩词稍详。总之,各个组成部分的繁简程度常常是不同步的。涉案人物和基本事件是判目的核心组成部分,虽有繁简程度的不同,一般不会完全省略,而另外三部分都存在被完全省略的情况。另外,一些判目还存在同时省略多个组成部分的情况。 再次,将判对的结构分为“判头”、“判项"和“判尾”三部分。其中判头也称为开题词,用于开篇对判目中的人、事、地或物进行背景定位;判项包括承接语、述题语和析题语三部分,是对文最重要的组成结构,用于复述案情,并进行援经据典的论证说明;判尾又称判决词,对判目案情进行是非曲直的裁判和断决。 最后,分析“判对”的文学特征,其中包括判文语言形式的发挥和陈述表达的艺术性。语言形式上的发挥,包括对偶的精致和讲究,音韵的平仄和谐等;判对的陈述方式,有对事件背景由来的铺叙说明,有对人们遭遇的关心同情,有以古典故事为例的说理论证。既表现出作者临政治民的吏能,又展示了其文学创作的才华。 第四章唐代试判的题材通过对试判文本的分析,我们引进现代法律学概念,按照判目中提供的“案件”性质的不同,将它们分为刑事案件、行政案件、民事案件及其他案件几个方面,论述唐代试判涉及的题材内容。并且,我们还对比试判题材与唐代现实案件的不同,分析试判题材作为考试内容的特殊性:既与现实有联系,又有很大区别;内容的判断有一定的难度,又有相对一致的答案;试判有很多出于经史典籍的材料。我们分析,这些特点都与试判用于取士选官的活动有关。 第五章唐代试判的判断依据本章主要分析唐人试判判断是非曲直的依据及其特点。首先,唐人以律、令、格、式等形式的律法作为判断是非曲直、裁断功过赏罚的最直接、最重要的依据。试判依据律法进行判决,表现出取近舍远、取高舍低的特点:即对某一事件的规定,在不同时间颁布的不同律法发生矛盾时,以离事件更近的律法为主;在更高级别的政府部门和普通规定有矛盾时,取更高级别的规定为依据。 其次,我们分析认为,唐人以承载儒家精神的“经史”作为判断是非曲直的内在的依据。唐人以经史为依据,首先表现为经史中记载的古代制度,其次是儒家经义的崇礼、仁爱、孝悌、忠义等精神,以及承载这种精神的典型人物和事迹,如圣贤、圣贤子弟,儒学大师、循吏良吏等。人们在不同的儒家精神之间,取为判断依据时,往往以仁爱和孝悌为其中的最高依据。 再次,通过实际的文本分析,我们发现唐人除了严格依据律法、经史的内容来判决外,还常常根据实际情况,进行审时度势的变通。 最后,我们发现,不同人对同一件事,存在不同甚至相反的处理意见。通过对文本的详细分析,认为这种同事不同判的现象,是由人们判断事件时依据律法还是经史、处置的宽严、是否变通等原因造成的。
[Abstract]:As one of the most representative literary styles in Chinese literature , " award " is one of the most representative literary styles in Chinese literature . In the beginning of Tang Dynasty , it was the official document used by government officials to handle administrative judicial affairs . This paper starts with the political system of the choosing officer , from the point of view of the examination , carries on the special study of the comprehensive system of the text of " trial judge " . The main contents are as follows : In the first chapter , according to the documents of the Tang Dynasty , the literature of Tang Dynasty was reviewed , and the literature of Tang Dynasty was divided into three categories : trial judgement , case judgment and miscellaneous sentence . Among them , the text of Tang Dynasty was divided into trial judgement , case judgment and miscellaneous sentence . Among them , the existing test text was one hundred and eighty five . Others were judged and sentenced . In the second chapter , the author discusses the influence of the examination and judgment on the activities of the selected officers by taking the candidates and the knowledge of the candidates , the proportion of the candidates who participated in the examination and the judgment of the candidates who had passed the examination . The third chapter is divided into three types : length , judgment and judgment . First , the textual criticism is the mode of judging the purpose . First of all , it is divided into three types of official documents , classics and remote books according to different sources . Secondly , the structure of the sentence is analyzed , which is divided into five parts : the characters of the case , the background of the event , the process of the event , the fault of the objection and the defense . Thirdly , the structure of the sentence is divided into three parts : the sentence head , the sentence and the tail . The sentence is also known as the opening word , which is used for opening the background of the person , the matter , the ground or the object in the judgment ; the judgment includes the language of receiving , the subject and the three parts of the subject , which is the most important constituent structure of the text , is used for retelling the case , and assists the demonstration note of the scriptures ; and the tail is also referred to as the judgment word , and the judgment and judgment on the case of the sentence are judged . Finally , the author analyzes the literary features of the " sentence pair " , including the function of the language form of the sentence and the artistic nature of the presentation expression . In the fourth chapter , the subject matter of Tang Dynasty ' s trial judgement is analyzed , we introduce the concept of modern legal science , classify them into criminal cases , administrative cases , civil cases and other cases according to the nature of " cases " provided in the orders . In the fifth chapter , the judgment of the Tang Dynasty ' s trial judgement is based on the analysis of the judgment of the Tang Dynasty . First of all , the Tang Dynasty , taking the form of law , order , lattice and formula as the most direct and most important basis for judging the merits and demerits of the judgment , made the judgment according to the law as the most direct and most important basis . Secondly , we analyze that the Tang Dynasty , based on the history of Confucian classics , first appeared as the ancient system recorded in the history , followed by the spirit of Confucian classics , benevolence , filial piety , loyalty and so on . Thirdly , through the actual text analysis , we find that in addition to the strict accordance with the law and the content of the history , the Tang people often carry out the transformation of the current situation according to the actual situation . Finally , we find that the different people have different opinions about the same thing . Through the detailed analysis of the text , it is believed that the phenomenon of different judgment of the colleague is caused by people ' s judgment whether the law is based on the law or the history , the seriousness of the disposition , whether it is turned on or not .
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