发布时间:2018-04-05 19:29
本文选题:康熙历狱 切入点:传教士 出处:《暨南大学》2002年硕士论文
【摘要】: 清康熙初年历狱(又称“杨光先教案”)爆发以后,二十五位在中国的天主教传教士被遣送到广州扣押。从1666年3月起,到1671年9月止,,传教士们在广州被扣押历时五年半。但目前为止,学术界对这一时期传教士在广州的活动情况研究非常不足。学界对此一阶段的认识,仅仅停留在他们翻译中国典籍、召开广州会议等问题的表层,且只散见于各种著作的零碎叙述中,没有出现过研究传教士在这一时期的具体活动、生活来源、对外交往等问题的专论。本文的主旨,则在于利用各种中外文材料,对这一阶段传教士在广州的活动进行详细探讨,并试图通过勘比互证,澄清许多作品中对此阶段认识的各种偏差,以弥补当前研究之不足。全文分四个部分:一、“康熙历狱”的爆发,包括背景介绍及对历狱爆发原因的探讨;二、被拘捕传教士人数考证,对传教士被解京审讯、扣押广州及奉旨归堂各阶段的人数变化进行详细考察;三、本文的中心部分,即对被拘押传教士在广州的活动进行考察;四、结论部分,总结全文内容,提出本课题研究所得出的主要观点。
[Abstract]:25 Catholic missionaries in China were detained in Guangzhou after the outbreak of the Qing Dynasty Kangxi prison.From March 1666 to September 1671, missionaries were detained in Guangzhou for five and a half years.So far, however, the academic research on the activities of missionaries in Guangzhou during this period is very insufficient.A monograph on sources of life, foreign contacts, etc.The main purpose of this paper is to make use of all kinds of Chinese and foreign language materials to discuss in detail the activities of missionaries in Guangzhou during this period, and try to clarify the various deviations in the understanding of this stage in many works by means of collating and comparing each other.To make up for the deficiency of current research.The full text is divided into four parts: first, the outbreak of "Kangxi calendar prison", including background introduction and discussion on the causes of the outbreak; second, textual research on the number of arrested missionaries, and interrogation of the missionaries who were released from Beijing.The changes in the number of people in each stage of the detention of Guangzhou and the church were investigated in detail; third, the central part of this paper, that is, to investigate the activities of the detained missionaries in Guangzhou; fourth, the conclusion, summarizing the content of the full text,Put forward the main point of view of this research.
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