本文选题:中后期 + 中日 ; 参考:《暨南大学》2006年博士论文
【摘要】:世界史上的大航海时代是一个战火纷飞、欧洲列强争相做着统一天下美梦的黄金时代,相当于中国明朝末年、日本的近世时期。葡萄牙人先后进入中国大陆、登上日本岛,随着南蛮文化、南蛮商品的进入,拉开了东西方文化交流的序幕。这些来自西方的“南蛮人”最初来到远东诸国进行贸易、交流,发生了许多事情,其中起着重要纽带作用的是葡萄牙天主教传教士,他们为引进西方科学、先进思想,繁荣东西方贸易、开启东西方思想文化的交流做出了卓越的贡献。 本研究以中日近世史上一位著名翻译——陆若汉(Jo(?)o Rodrigues)的生平轨迹为中心进行考察。旨在通过陆若汉的传教士、“南蛮通辞”(葡语翻译)、贸易代理人等多重身份的特殊性,对活跃于中国明末、日本江户时期的西方传教士的进入、发展、作用进行梳理、分析,,并对近世中西、日欧文化和贸易交流中所表现出来的一些特征及问题加以论述。本项研究的意义在于:有助于宏观地认识世界史上大航海时代的历史面貌;有助于加深对中国明末、日本江户那段充满神奇、充满矛盾的复杂历史时期的了解;有助于古代中外文化交流史和关系史的全面研究;同时对于中日近世史、翻译史研究史料的补充,以及陆若汉研究方面新史料的发掘有着十分重要的意义。 本研究的整体构成,除序章和终章以外,另设有4个专题章节,这些章节的内容既是独立的,又相互关联,承上启下,其大概内容分述如下: 第一章《世界大航海时代的贸易和传教形势》——主要对中国明末清初、日本近世的贸易传教形势作一较为详细的回顾。期望有助于了解陆若汉所身处的那个时代大背景,从而更好地解读这个离我们的现实生活相当遥远的特殊人物。 第二章《陆若汉在日本》——对陆若汉的身世、早期在日本受教育的经历进行追踪回顾,试图弄清楚这一段迷雾一般不甚清晰的历史;着重叙述陆若汉作为一名翻译活跃在日本各种对外交流场合,充当日本统治者西方国家交涉的助手的经历。本章集中研究国内外史学界一直忽视的陆若汉对天主教传教所作出的努力,该项研究在国内尚属首次;本章重点叙述陆若汉被委以耶稣会司库的重任,进而被指定为德川家康的贸易代理人的一段经历。同时特别介绍了日本长崎港和中国
[Abstract]:The great sailing age in the world history was a time of war. The European powers were competing for the golden age of the dream of unification, which was the same as the late Ming Dynasty of China and the modern period of Japan.The Portuguese entered the mainland of China and landed on the Japanese island. With the entry of the Nanman culture and the entry of the South Man commodities, the cultural exchanges between the East and the West began.These "Southern Barbarians" from the West first came to the countries of the far East for trade and exchanges, and many things happened. Among them, the Portuguese Catholic missionaries played an important role in bringing in western science and advanced ideas.Prosperous East-West Trade, opening the East-West ideological and Cultural exchanges made outstanding contributions.This study focuses on the life track of a famous translator in the modern history of China and Japan.Through the particularity of Lu Ruohan's missionaries, "Nan Mantong ci" (translation of Portuguese, trade agent and so on), the paper analyzes the entry, development and function of western missionaries active in the late Ming Dynasty and Edo period in Japan.Some characteristics and problems in the cultural and trade exchanges between China and the West, Japan and Europe in modern times are discussed.The significance of this study lies in: it is helpful to understand the historical features of the great sailing era in the world history macroscopically, to deepen the understanding of the complex historical period of China's late Ming Dynasty and Edo, Japan, which is full of magic and contradictions;It is helpful to the comprehensive study of the history of cultural exchange and relations between China and foreign countries in ancient times, at the same time, it is of great significance to supplement the historical data of modern history of China and Japan, to study the history of translation, and to excavate the new historical materials in the research of Lu Ruohan.In addition to the preface chapter and the final chapter, there are four thematic chapters. The contents of these chapters are both independent and interrelated.Chapter 1 "Trade and missionary situation in the Age of World Navigation"-A detailed review of the trade and missionary situation of China in the late Ming Dynasty and early Qing Dynasty in Japan.Expectations help to understand the background of the era in which Lu Ruohan lives, and thus better understand this special figure who is quite distant from our real life.Chapter two, "Lu Ruohan in Japan"-A review of Lu Ruohan's life and his early education in Japan, in order to find out the obscure history of this period;Lu Ruohan, as an active translator in various foreign exchanges in Japan, serves as an assistant to the Japanese rulers in the negotiation of Western countries.This chapter focuses on the efforts made by Lu Ruohan to the Catholic missionary work, which has been neglected by the historical circles at home and abroad, for the first time in China. This chapter focuses on the important task that Lu Ruohan was appointed to be the treasurer of the Jesuit Church.Then appointed as Tokugawa's trade agent for a period of experience.At the same time, the port of Nagasaki in Japan and China were introduced in particular.
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