本文选题:全唐文 + 唐玄宗 ; 参考:《西北大学》2008年硕士论文
【摘要】: 《全唐文》为清代官修唐五代文章总集,搜采浩博,但是文章网罗尚有不少遗漏。加之出自众人之手,因此也有所疏忽,尤其是其辑录不注出处,各篇文章亦无编年,为后人研究检校带来不便。《全唐文》所录唐玄宗文亦未注出处,也并未系年,凡此种种,都影响了研读者对该书的使用。如果不加辨析,盲目征引,就会以讹传讹,得出错误的结论。唐玄宗文收录于《全唐文》第二十卷至第四十卷中。唐玄宗统治时期正是整个唐朝最繁荣鼎盛的时期,全部唐玄宗文是当时一部社会真实记录,其内容涉及政治、军事、经济、文化艺术、社会风俗、自然灾害的抗击等社会各个方面的内容。对其进行系统整理是有必要的。 本论文进行的是文学基础性研究,专注于对《全唐文》中所录唐玄宗文进行较为系统的整理,对《全唐文》所录的唐玄宗文的诸多问题,如作者张冠李戴、正文残缺讹误、误收重出等,进行厘正。利用各个文本互校,着录出文章出处,并尽可能的进行残缺讹夺方面的工作。为进一步进行文学研究提供依据。 本论文在对唐玄宗文进行较为系统的整理时,也有一些问题有待以后进一步研究和解决,诸如有的篇章在进行编年考订时尚未发现可依据的材料,因此这些文章在论文中列为缺年待考。在进行残缺讹夺甄别方面,发现有的篇章在各个版本中记载不一,由于论文在校勘时运用了《册府元龟》和《文苑英华》等类书,而古类书往往存在资料辗转抄袭、出处标注体例不一等弊端,有的引文还存在失真欠准的问题,不可轻信。因此,在发现文章字句与《全唐文》记载有出入时,本论文不敢妄言正误,轻易据类书改古书。在没有更加可靠的材料出现之前,论文将这些问题一一陈列,留待后来研究。
[Abstract]:The whole Tang text is a collection of articles of the Tang Dynasty and the five dynasties for the Qing Dynasty officials, but there are still many omissions in the article.In addition, since it was written by many people, it was also negligent, especially since its compilation did not mention the source, and the articles were not chronicled, which caused inconvenience to the later generations. The Tang Xuanzong article recorded in the whole Tang Dynasty did not have any source, nor was it related to the year, and so on.Both affect the use of the book by research readers.If there is no discrimination, blind quotation, it will be wrong to reach the wrong conclusion.The prose of Tang Xuanzong is included in the 20th to 40th volumes of the whole Tang Dynasty.The period of Tang Xuanzong's rule was the most prosperous and prosperous period of the whole Tang Dynasty. All the Tang Xuanzong's writings were a true social record of that time, whose contents covered politics, military, economy, culture and art, and social customs.The fight against natural disasters and other aspects of society.It is necessary to systematize it.This paper is a basic study of literature, focusing on the "all Tang text" recorded in the Tang Xuanzong more systematic collation, "all Tang" recorded many of the Tang Xuanzong's problems, such as the author Zhang Guanli Dai, the text is incomplete error,By mistake, re-output, etc., to be correct.Use each text to check each other, record the source of the article, and as far as possible for the incomplete work.It provides the basis for further literature research.In this paper, there are some problems to be further studied and solved in the process of systematical collation of Tang Xuanzong's writings, such as some chapters have not been found to be based on in the course of chronological examination.Therefore, these articles are listed in the paper as missing years to be tested.When it comes to the identification of incomplete and false claims, it is found that some chapters have different records in various versions. Since the papers used books such as "Yuan Turtle of the Book House" and "Yinghua of Wen Yuan" in the collation, the ancient books often contain materials that were copied from each other.The inaccuracy of some citations is not credulous.Therefore, in the discovery of the article sentence and the "all Tang text" records of the discrepancy, this paper dare not say correctly and wrongly, easily according to the book to change the ancient book.In the absence of more reliable materials, the paper presented these questions one by one for later study.
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