本文选题:唐玄宗 + 次柳氏旧闻 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2004年硕士论文
【摘要】:盛唐时君主唐玄宗的事迹,多为其后文士乐道。在现存唐人杂记小说中可见到大量关于玄宗的记载,虽然很多带有故事性质,亦有史料价值高为研究唐史者重视的。今就《次柳氏旧闻》、《明皇杂录》、《开天传信记》三种作考述。 本文以书为纲,重点考述他们的材料来源、史料价值。各部分之间体例略有不同。 第一部分为《次柳氏旧闻》考述。首先概括介绍该书的书名、作者、版本;其次通过书中自序,,分析其材料来源;最后通过与两《唐书》和《通鉴》对勘,得出《次柳氏旧闻》的史料价值在于为两《唐书》和《通鉴》提供了材料来源。 第二部分为《明皇杂录》考述。首先介绍该书的作者及版本;其次通过与正史对勘,指出二者之间的关系即与《新唐书》和《通鉴》相同的条目,绝大多数是抄自《明皇杂录》;然后从四个方面分析了该书的史料价值,在肯定其为研究唐玄宗时期许多方面提供资料外,也指出了其中一些条目的失实之处。 第三部分是对《开天传信记》的考述。首先是对其作者的考证,通过书中的自序及内容确认作者郑綮为晚唐时人;其次是对其材料来源的分析,指出其主要的来源当为此前成书的杂记小说,碑刻及传闻;最后是对它的史料价值考述,与前此二书相比,《开天传信记》的史料价值要低一些,引用时要谨慎对待。
[Abstract]:At the height of the Tang Dynasty, most of the deeds of the monarch Xuanzong were followed by scribes. There are a lot of records about Xuanzong in the extant novels of the Tang Dynasty, although many of them have the nature of story and the value of historical materials is highly valued by those who study the history of the Tang Dynasty. Today, "Liu's old news", "Ming Dynasty miscellaneous records", "open days to the letter" three kinds of research. This article takes the book as the outline, emphatically examines their material source, the historical material value. The style of each part is slightly different. The first part is a textual research on the old news of the ci Liu family. First, the title, author and edition of the book are introduced; secondly, the source of the material is analyzed through the preface of the book. It is concluded that the historical material value of the old news of Ziliu is that it provides a material source for the two Tang Dynasty Books and General Jian. The second part is about the Ming Dynasty Miscellaneous Records. The author and edition of the book are introduced at first, and the relation between the two is pointed out through the collation with the official history, that is, the same entries as the New Tang Book and General Jian. Most of them were copied from Ming Dynasty and then analyzed the historical value of the book from four aspects, and pointed out the false points of some items in addition to confirming the materials provided for the study of many aspects of the period of Tang Xuanzong. The third part is to open the sky to pass on the letter to record the textual research. Firstly, the author's textual research, through the preface and content of the book, to confirm the author Zheng he was a person of late Tang Dynasty, secondly, to analyze the source of his material, pointing out that its main source should be the miscellaneous novel, inscription and hearsay written before. Finally, the value of its historical data is studied. Compared with the previous two books, the value of historical materials in the book is lower, and it should be treated with caution when quoting it.
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