
发布时间:2018-04-21 07:21

  本文选题:孔安国 + 汉代 ; 参考:《山东大学》2010年博士论文

【摘要】: 孔安国,字子国,是汉代孔氏家学和两汉经学史上的重要传承人。他以经学为业,博通儒家典籍,对汉代的《古文尚书》学、《古文论语》学、《古文孝经》学均有开启之功,但存史料对其一生事迹和治学活动的记载比较简约,署名于他的著述也是历代学者争论不已的话题。本文依据现有的材料,对孔安国的生卒时间、世次、家世、学术渊源和治学背景及家学传承等各方面作了较为系统的论述,重点考论了其治学活动的诸方面,如他与今、古文《尚书》、《古文论语》、《古文孝经》、《孔子家语》、孔氏家学的具体关系,并评述他在汉代学术史上的地位。 孔安国为孔子后裔,依据《汉书》、《史记》以及各时代所修孔氏家谱的记载,考证知他为孔子第十一代孙,大约生活在汉景帝前元元年(公元前156年)到汉武帝太初四年(公元前101年)之间。他少时积极求学,受伏生《尚书》,于申公习《鲁诗》,游学河间,学优入仕,先后任武帝经学博士、侍中、谏大夫、临淮太守等职,可谓学宦两成。孔安国出生于文化氛围浓厚的孔氏家族,从春秋战国到汉代,孔子及其后裔都以儒学为业、勤于治经,家族内部形成了积极向上、博学广闻的家学风范,积淀了深厚的文化底蕴,为他的治学营造了良好的内部环境。孔安国的学术渊源颇广,主要来源于家学、师学及河间学术,其中既有今文经学如伏生之《今文尚书》、申公之《鲁诗》,也有古文经学如家学之《古文尚书》、河间之《毛诗》,这为他日后取得的突出学术成就奠定了基础。 孔安国生活于汉景、武年间,正是汉王朝统治思想由黄老无为渐转至“独尊儒术、表彰六经”的时期。汉武帝即位后实施了一系列尊崇儒术的政策,确立了儒学在百家之学中的主导地位,同时也促使今文经学逐步走向兴盛,(?)这为他继承祖业、研治经书提供了有利的社会条件。汉景帝末年,鲁恭王拓宫室坏孔子旧宅,发现了《古文尚书》、《古文论语》、《古文孝经》、《礼古经》等先秦古书。这批古文经书后归孔安国所有,为他治学(?)提供了宝贵的文献资料。另外,孔安国生活在全国文化的重镇——齐鲁大地,地域文化深厚,名儒云集,浓郁的学术氛围不仅让他深受熏陶,更为其从师治学、切磋交流提供诸多便利。 孔安国精通《尚书》学,是汉代尚书学史上的关键人物。作为汉武帝时的《今文尚书》博士,他通过传授弟子兄宽,促成《今文尚书》三家学派的形成,推动了《今文尚书》学的发展兴盛。同时他整理、认读、训解孔壁所出的《古文尚书》,并传授弟子与后人,形成明确的传授谱系,开创了《古文尚书》学派。因此,孔安国对汉代的今古文《尚书》学之兴均有发起之功,为汉代尚书学的发展作出了重要的贡献。通过将今本题名孔安国的《尚书孔传》与《小尔雅》进行比较研究,可知他确曾训解《古文尚书》,释经成果即保存在《孔传》中。从“传”字本义、与《孔丛子》的联系、孔氏家学传承等方面看,今本《孔传》当始于孔安国的训解、传授,后由孔家学者不断完善补充,纂集成书的,是汉代孔氏家学的产物。 对于来源于孔壁的《古文论语》,孔安国是最早的整理者、研治者。他主要作了整理、认读、隶古定、训解的工作,然后传授后人及弟子,从而使此书在民间流传不息,形成了《古文论语》学派。而今收在何晏《论语集解》中孔注的作者,自清代以来学者们众说纷纭,莫衷一是。结合近年来学界的研究成果,深入考察今存孔注的底本和注文内容,我们认为其当为孔安国所作。孔安国的《论语》训解是迄今尚存最古老的《论语》注本,训释简洁精练,重在训诂,兼及大义,为后代学人研究《论语》提供了重要的借鉴。 孔安国与《古文孝经》的关系亦非常密切,他对此书也进行了整理、认读,隶古定,后传授子孙。在传授中可能对《古文孝经》还作了文字训诂和义理阐释,形成《孝经》孔氏古文说。汉昭帝时,此书由担任鲁国三老的孔安国家人上献于朝廷。今本《孝经孔传》流传过程曲折复杂,但非日本人伪造,直接渊源于刘炫本《古文孝经》孔传,约在我国隋唐之际传出。从史志记载、著录和传文内容、体例、文风各方面看,此书非孔安国所作。联系汉代的孔氏家学传承,它极可能是孔家学者在“《孝经》孔氏古文说”的基础上增益成书的。 《孔子家语》是专门记录孔子及孔门弟子思想言行的著作,成书后命运多舛,长期以来被认定为“伪书”,此书与孔安国的关系也一直是学术史上的一大疑团。而深入考察王肃与《家语》的关系,可知清代流行而来的“增加说”与“伪造说”均不能成立。近年来,有多种出土文献的内容可见于今本《孔子家语》,论文通过将定州《儒家者言》竹简、阜阳双古堆1号木牍、上博简《民之父母》与《家语》的相关篇章进行比勘,可知《家语》一书的材料渊源有自,非抄袭《大戴礼记》、《说苑》等书而成。今本《家语》所附的“孔安国序”是考察此书真伪的重要文献,从《家语》本身、其他传世文献、目前出土文献、序言具体细节等方面考察,可证此序内容真实可靠,其作者当为孔安国。孔安国与《孔子家语》具体关系亦可从“孔安国序”的记载中概括得知:他从秦、汉初流传的“孔子之言与诸国事、七十二弟子之言”的原简副本以及相杂的“《曲礼》众篇”的竹简中整理出四十四篇,“以事类相次”,撰集成书,又特作书序介绍成书原委,并以家学形式流传于孔家内部,直至三国孔猛时。 孔安国是孔氏家族的佼佼者,他对汉代孔氏家学的发展具有重大贡献。孔氏家学由先秦时期的孔子创立,代代传承于家族内部。汉代孔家学者传习《尚书》,世修古经,博通儒典,教育宗亲,薪火相传,使孔氏家学蓬勃发展,呈现出内容丰瞻、成就显赫的兴盛面貌。其中孔安国博览众书,研治群经,全面传承先祖遗学;整理孔壁古书,为家学的继续传承提供了重要的文献资料;推崇、传承古文经学,维护了家学的纯洁性。且他身体力行、树立榜样,以品德学识感召孔家学人,对孔氏家学的继承和开拓作出了重要的贡献,是先秦两汉时期孔氏家学史上承前启后的关键人物。孔安国后裔孔印、孔衍、孔歩、孔子立、孔僖、孔季彦等人皆继承他的遗学,传习古文经书,成就斐然,促进汉代孔氏家学的繁荣和发展。 总之,孔安国整理孔壁古书、编集《孔子家语》,保存、整理古代历史文化典籍,为后世提供了弥足珍贵的文献资料。他甘于寂寞,研习传承孔壁古书,使古文师法逐步形成,促进了古文经学的兴起,对汉代儒学的发展也有显著影响。同时他积极教学育人,传授儒家经典,推动了儒家精义的传播与汉代经学的发展。
[Abstract]:Kong Anguo, the word Zi country, is an important inheritor in the Han Dynasty's family studies and the history of the Han Dynasty. On the basis of the existing materials, this paper makes a systematic discussion on the birth and death time, the times, the family life, the academic origin and the academic background and the inheritance of the family studies on the basis of the existing materials, focusing on the various aspects of his academic activities, such as his and the present, the ancient prose < Shang >, the ancient prose >, < the ancient prose filial piety >, < Confucius's house. The relationship between Confucius and his family and his position in the academic history of the Han Dynasty.
Koran is a descendant of Confucius. According to the records of "Han Book", "Shi Ji" and the genealogical family genealogy of the times, it is found that he is the eleventh generation of Confucius, about the first four years of Han Jing di (156 B.C.) to the fourth year of the Han Wu Emperor (101 B.C.). Confucius and his descendants from the Warring States and Warring States to the Han Dynasty, Confucius and his descendants were both Confucian and diligent in the treatment of Confucian classics. The profound cultural background has created a good internal environment for his study. Kong an has a wide range of academic origins, mainly from family studies, teachers and river learning. The foundation of academic achievement is laid out.
Koranguo lived in Han Jing and Wu years. It was the period of the Han Dynasty ruling from Huang Lao to the period of "respecting Confucianism and commending the six classics". Emperor Hanwu implemented a series of policies to honor Confucianism, established the dominant position of Confucianism in the study of the hundred families, and also promoted the development of the literary classics to flourish. (?) this is his inheritance. In the last year of Han Jing emperor, the old mansion of Confucius in the palace room of the emperor of Han Jing, Lu Gong and the palace of the palace, found the ancient books of the ancient texts, the ancient texts, the ancient text of filial piety, the ancient classics and other ancient books. The important town of culture - Qilu earth, deep regional culture, famous Confucianism, rich academic atmosphere not only made him deeply edify, but also provided many conveniences for his learning and exchange.
As a key figure in the history of calligraphy in the Han Dynasty, Kong an - Guo mastery of Shang Shu was a key figure in the history of calligraphy in the Han Dynasty. As a doctor of the present article of the Han Dynasty, he contributed to the formation of the three schools of school by imparting his brother's brother's breadth and facilitated the development of "the present book > learning". The descendants formed a clear genealogical genealogy and opened the ancient ancient book school. Therefore, Kong an state has made an important contribution to the development of the Han Dynasty's ancient and ancient books, and made an important contribution to the development of calligraphy in the Han Dynasty. It is a product of Confucius's family studies in the Han Dynasty.
Confucius was the earliest organizer and researcher of Confucius, which came from the wall of Confucius. There are many different opinions and different opinions. Combining with the research achievements of the academic circles in recent years, we deeply examine the foundation and the contents of the note of the present hole. We think that the Confucius Analects of Kong Anu is the oldest of the Analects of Confucius, which is the oldest "Analects > note book", a concise and concise interpretation, the exegesis, and the great meaning, and the study of the Analects of Confucius for future generations. It provides an important reference.
The relationship between Kong Anu and the ancient text of filial piety is also very close. He also collated the book, read the book, and put it in the post. In the course of the imparting, he may also make a text exegesis and interpretation of the ancient text of filial piety. The transmission process of filial piety is complicated and complicated, but it is not forged by the Japanese. It is directly originated from Liu Zun Ben, the ancient prose filial piety > Kong Chuan, about the history of the Sui and Tang Dynasties in China. "On the basis of Kong's ancient prose", the gain became a book.
"Confucius's family" is a book that records Confucius and his disciples' thoughts and deeds. It has long been identified as a "false book". The relationship between this book and Kong Anguo has always been a major doubt in the academic history. In recent years, the contents of a variety of unearthed documents are seen in the present edition of Confucius's family. By comparing Dingzhou's Confucianism, bamboo slips, Fuyang double heap 1 wooden slips, and the related chapters of "the parents of the people" and "the family language", we can see that the material of the book of the family is rich, not a copy of the great Dalai, and the garden. This is an important document to investigate the authenticity of this book. From the family language, the other literature, the present unearthed literature and the details of the preface, it can be proved that the content is true and reliable. The author should be Kong an state. The specific relationship between Kong an state and Confucius's family can also be from the "Kong an order". In the record, he learned that he collated forty-four articles from the bamboo slips of "Confucius's words and the words of the seventy-two disciples, the words of the disciples" and the miscellaneous "Song rite > numerous articles", which had been circulated in the Qin and early Han Dynasties. When the three kingdoms are fierce.
Kong Anguo is the leader of the family of Kong's family. He has made a great contribution to the development of Confucius's family learning in the Han Dynasty. Confucius's family study was founded by Confucius in the pre Qin period and inherited from the family. It is the prosper and the flourishing appearance. In which Confucius and an country read the numerous books, studied the group classics, inherit the ancestors' studies in an all-round way, collate the ancient books of the hole wall, provided the important documents for the continuing inheritance of the family school. The inheritance and development of the family study made important contributions. It was the key figure in the history of Confucius' family studies in the Han Dynasty and the Han Dynasty. Confucius, Kong Yan, Confucius, Confucius Li, Kong Xi, Kong Ji Yan and others inherited his studies, passed on the classics of ancient Chinese Prose, made great achievements and promoted the prosperity and development of Confucius's family learning in the Han Dynasty.
In a word, Kong Anguo collates the ancient books of Kong wall, compiles Confucius's family, saves and collates ancient historical and cultural classics, and provides precious literature materials for the later generations. He is willing to be lonely, studies and inherit the ancient books of Confucius wall, which has made the ancient Chinese teachers' law gradually formed, promoted the rise of ancient Chinese Confucian classics and influenced the development of Confucianism in the Han Dynasty. At the same time he was active. Teaching and educating people and imparting Confucian classics promoted the dissemination of Confucianism and the development of Confucian classics in Han Dynasty.



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