本文选题:梁陈之际 + 南人北迁 ; 参考:《上海师范大学》2013年硕士论文
【摘要】:魏晋南北朝,是中国古代历史上的第二次的南北分裂战乱的时期。魏晋南北朝前期,伴随着西北各少数民族的入主中原,大量中原民众为了躲避战乱纷纷南迁。但是,到了南北朝后期,北民南迁的情况却有所改变,取而代之的是出现了连续多年的南民北迁浪潮。 随着北方实力的不断增强和国内政局的日益稳定,无论在军事还是政治、经济方面,北方都已经赶超南方并占据了压倒性的优势。而同时期的南朝萧梁国内爆发了侯景之乱,各宗室贵族为政权纷纷内斗,,使得原本就动荡不安的政权更加的风雨飘摇。北方的东魏北齐、西魏北周趁机大肆侵占南方土地,掠夺南方人口,带来了梁陈之际的四次大规模的南人北迁浪潮。 本文即是以南北朝后期的梁陈之际的南人北迁情况来作为研究对象,按身份地位的不同,分别探讨了南人北迁的各种原因以及对这些南士入北后对北方产生的影响。
[Abstract]:Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties, is the second time in ancient Chinese history north-south split war period. In the early Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties, along with the northwestern minorities into the Central Plains, a large number of Central Plains people moved south in order to avoid the war. However, in the late period of the Southern and Northern dynasties, the situation of the people moving to the south changed and replaced by the wave of moving the people from the south to the north for many years. With the increasing strength of the North and the increasing stability of the domestic political situation, the North has overtaken the South and occupied an overwhelming advantage in military, political and economic aspects. At the same time, the civil disorder of Xiao Liang broke out in the Southern Dynasty, and the nobility of the monarchies fought for the regime one after another, which made the regime more volatile. Eastern Wei and Northern Qi in the north, Western Wei and Northern Zhou usurped the land of the south and plundered the southern population, which brought about four large-scale waves of people moving from the south to the north at the time of Liang and Chen. This paper takes the situation of the southern people moving to the north in the late period of the Southern and Northern dynasties as the object of study. According to the different status of identity, it discusses the reasons of the southern people moving to the north and their influence on the north after the Southern Scholars move to the north.
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