本文选题:颜延之 + 生平 ; 参考:《西北师范大学》2005年博士论文
【摘要】:在刘宋文坛,颜延之与谢灵运都以辞采闻名,并称“颜、谢”。 东晋和刘宋时代都非常重视门阀,琅邪颜氏以悠久和光辉的家族历史而著称。在西周的时候,伯禽的支庶在鲁国的颜地有食采,因而以颜为氏。今传曲阜《颜氏族谱》以颜回为第一代,孔子的七十二高徒中,颜氏家族就有八人。春秋以后,颜氏居处鲁国、齐国,曹魏时徙居琅邪临沂孝悌里,开始以琅邪为郡望。该地保存下来的碑文证明,孝悌里就在今临沂市沂南县砖埠镇常桑杭村。此后颜氏居住地虽屡经迁徙,但历代后裔都以琅邪临沂为郡望。西晋末年,颜延之曾祖父颜含带领颜氏南渡,迁居建康长干里颜家巷,大约就是现在南京城南的中华门外一带,颜延之就出生在这里。卒后葬于白下,即今南京城西北部幕府山西的老虎山一带。 东晋时期,有与颜延之同姓名者,此人为镇东司马;又颜延之常被省称为“颜延”,东晋也有名叫“颜延”的,此人为王恭大将。东晋时期的这两位都曾任武职或是带兵将军,不是文采出众、擅长创作的刘宋时期的颜延之。 颜延之年轻时性格褊激,率意直言,引起了别人的忌恨,于是叫他“颜虎”。《南史》成书时避唐讳,改“虎”为“彪”,后来校书者回改未尽,一直讹传至今,除《建康实录》外,都称为“颜彪”。 颜延之约在二十二岁左右初仕,任刘柳的属官行参军。少帝时,权在大臣,景平元年末,徐羡之等权臣出延之为始安太守,约于元嘉元年秋冬之际到任。在始安太守任最多约一年的时间,大概最迟于元嘉二年末离开了始安,回到家乡隐居。元嘉三年三月,被宋文帝刘义隆征召入朝为官。元嘉前期,刘义康专决内外众事,有篡夺帝位的野心。耿直忠心的颜延之对此颇为不满,在元嘉十一年上巳节作诗讽劝,得罪了刘义康,先被贬为永嘉太守,旋即免官。元嘉十七年,起为始兴王浚后军谘议参军。二十年,迁国子祭酒、司徒左长史,二十五年,延之被尚书左丞荀赤松弹劾而免官。元嘉二十六年五月起任秘书监、光禄勋,约到二十八年任太常。二十九年秋,上表乞解职,不许。三十年,致事。 侍从帝王左右的颜延之,终卒老于家,时年七十三。在皇权多次更迭、在动荡和险恶的政治环境下,他之所以有理想的结局,除了内在性格的决定因素外,还与他的门第和任职有关。他门第较低,蔑视权贵但不针对皇帝与皇权:他所有的任职,多掌管祭祀、礼仪、文化教育和文书参谋,不参与国家的大政和高层决策,对皇权构不成威胁,因此虽造贬黜,却得保天年。
[Abstract]:In the literary world of Liu Song, Yan Yanzhi and Xie Lingyun are famous for their ci, and they are known as Yan and Xie. Both the Eastern Jin Dynasty and the Liu Song Dynasty attached great importance to the gatekeepers, and Langye Yan was famous for his long and glorious family history. In the Western Zhou Dynasty, the branches of the bird had food and harvest in the Yan and the land of the State of Lu, so Yan was regarded as the "Yan". In Qufu, the first generation of Yan Hui, there are eight of Confucius's 72 high disciples. After the Spring and Autumn period, Yan lived in Lu, Qi, Cao Wei moved to Langye Linyi filial piety, and began to look at Lang evil as county. The preserved inscription proves that Xiaoli is located in Changsanghang Village, Bian Bu Town, Yinan County, Linyi City. Yan's place of residence after repeated migration, but successive descendants to Langxie Linyi for the county. In the late Western Jin Dynasty, Yan Yan-zhi 's great-grandfather, Yan Han, led Yan to the south and moved to Jiankang Chang Gan Li Yan Jia Xiang, which is now just outside the Chinese gate in the south of Nanjing, where Yan Yanzhi was born. Pawns buried in the white, that is, the northwest of Nanjing shogunate Shanxi Tiangshan area. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, there were people with the same name as Yan Yanzhi, who was called "Yan Yan Yan" by the province, and also known as "Yan Yan" in the Eastern Jin Dynasty, who was the general of Wang Gong. In the Eastern Jin Dynasty, they both served as military or military generals, not outstanding literati and good at creating Yan Yan-zhi in Liu and Song dynasties. When Yan Yan-zhi was young, his character was so extreme that he was blunt and frank, which aroused the hatred of others. So he called him "Yan Hu." when the book was written, Yan Yanzhi avoided the Tang Dynasty and changed "Tiger" to "Biao". Later, those who read the book changed it to "Biao", which has always been falsely reported to this day. With the exception of Jiankang, they are all called Yan Biao. Yan Yanzhi about 22 years old, Liu Liu's official line joined the army. When the emperor, power in the Minister, Jingping Yuan end, Xu Enzhi and so on for the extension of the first year of autumn and winter around the Yuan Dynasty. He stayed in Shiantai for up to a year, and left Shian by the end of two years, returning to his hometown to live in seclusion. Yuan Jia in March, was called into the Song Dynasty Emperor Liu Yilong as an official. In the early period of Yuan Jia, Liu Yikang had the ambition of usurping the throne. Gengzheng loyal Yan Yanchi quite dissatisfied with this, in the Yuan Jia 11 years has made a poem sarcastic advice, offended Liu Yikang, was first demoted as Yongjia too Shou, immediately removed from office. Yuan Jia 17 years, from Shixing Wang Jun after the military consultation to join the army. For twenty years, he was impeached and removed from office by the Shang Shu, Prime Minister Xunzi Chisong. Yuan Jia in May 26 as secretary supervisor, Guangluxun, about 28 years. In the fall of 29 years, the above table is not allowed to beg for dismissal. Thirty years, cause the matter. Yan Yanzhi, the servant of the emperor, died at home at the age of 73. In many changes of imperial power, in the turbulent and sinister political environment, his ideal outcome, besides the determinants of his internal character, is also related to his family and office. He was a man of lower rank, despising power and power but not against emperors and emperors: he held all his posts, took charge of sacrifices, rituals, cultural education and clerical advice, did not participate in the great policies and high-level decisions of the country, did not threaten the imperial power, and therefore deposed it. But we have to protect the years.
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