本文选题:锦江书院 + 山长 ; 参考:《四川大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】: 锦江书院自康熙四十三年,由时任四川按察使的刘德芳秉承四川巡抚“欲兴文教以植人才”,“继石室之流风于无穷”之意,,在文翁石室故地修建以来,它一直是四川省的最高学“府,是有清一代四川人才培养最有成就的书院之一,也是四川省城名流荟萃、大家辈出的地方。书院山长中既有潜心作育人才、不慕荣势的易简、彭端淑、李惺、江锡嘏等士林圭臬,也有工于诗古文辞的郑方城、储掌文、伍肇龄等老儒宿学,还有文武兼备、政声卓著的高辰、杨芳灿、牛树梅等清廷的能官良吏。在这些著名山长的滋育教导之下,锦江书院培养出了一大批学行俱佳的蜀中名士。如著名的诗人、学者、戏剧家,时称“蜀中三才”的李调元,清末“戊戌变法六君子”之一的刘光第,清代四川唯一的状元骆成骧,等等,都曾肄业锦江书院。 在漫长的锦江书院办院过程中,作为一院之长的山长,当然是起关键作用的核心人物。他们既是书院的行政组织者,又是书院的学术带头人,更是书院的灵魂性人物。他们对书院的学术研究与倡导、学术传承与发展,书院的日常管理与制度建设,书院诸生的学业成绩,都负有直接的责任和起着决定性的作用。所以说,研究锦江书院的历史面貌,首先莫过于研究锦江书院的山长了。他们的生平履历、学术特点以及他们在教育方面的见解和为之所作的贡献,是了解和评判书院办学成就和影响首先应当考察的重要内容。这便是本论文以“锦江书院山长考”为题的原因。 由于有关锦江书院的资料比较缺乏、零散和相对混杂,本文广泛搜罗和钩辑了大量的相关文献资料,诸如《清史列传》、《清史稿》、《碑传集》、《清代七百名人传》、雍正《四川通志》、嘉庆《四川通志》、嘉庆《福建通志》、嘉庆《广东通志》中的《选举》、《学校志》、《艺文》、《人物传记》等,以及现存于四川省图书馆、四川大学图书馆内的各县县志中的《选举》、《学校》、《艺文》、《碑乘》等中有关锦江书院的记载,《锦里新编》、《清诗纪事》、《国朝全蜀诗抄》、《国朝先正事略》、《巴蜀文苑英华》等诗文集中的相关诗文和传记。此外,还充分吸收现代书院及教育制度研究成果:浏览了邓洪波先生的有关书院制度、历史方面的通论性著作如《中国书院揽胜》、《中国书院制度研究》、《中国书院史》,季萧风等著《中国书院辞典》,程谷嘉的《中国书院史资料》,胡昭曦的《四川书院史》,杨布生的《岳麓书院山长考》,《中国教育制度通史》等等。 在充分占有和熟悉资料的前提下,本文侧重清理了锦江书院各位山长的履历仕宦、思想意识、教育成果等方面的内容,并对其中存在的疑惑,进行考订审察。主要做了以下几项工作:一、重新厘定历任山长的任职次第及时间,解决有关锦江书院山长任职时间记载含糊不清与任职次序记载混乱的问题。重点研究和分析他们在锦江书院任上都培育了那些人才,取得过何种业绩,对锦江书院的制度建设做过何种贡献,有何治学方法和育人特点,等等。二、为已知的历任山长写出小传,记述他们的生平事略,重点探究了他们的学术特点和其学术对当时和后世有何影响等问题。三、增补了《石室纪事情》等书中漏载的侯度、杨锡麟两位山长和验证了胡昭曦在《四川书院史》中增补的山长张晋生的问题,使书院山长人数从以前的二十一位增加到现在的二十四位。四、设计了一种关于书院山长传略的新式写法,即先表述其生平事迹,然后再重点分析他们在书院教育方面的业绩、贡献,在文化学术方面的成就、特点,以此反映书院山长在书院教育、学术造诣方面的成就。五、围绕锦江书院历任山长和书院诸生在清代政治思想、文化学术上的作用和影响,概括并分析了他们对清代四川文化学术的继承与发展、人才培育、教育发展等方面的贡献和影响。 通过对以上这些问题的探寻,对我们进一步认识、了解锦江书院在清代四川的历史面貌、历史价值和历史影响,对书院展开个案研究等问题,无疑都是有裨益的。
[Abstract]:Since the forty-three years of Kangxi, the Jinjiang academy, Liu Defang, who has been inspecting and made by the time of Sichuan, has adhered to the Sichuan governor "to cultivate talents" and "the wind in the stone room is infinite". Since the construction of the hometown of Weng, it has been the highest school in Sichuan Province, and is one of the most successful academies of the Qing Dynasty talent training. It is a place in the city of Sichuan Province, where people come forth in large numbers. The chairman of the Academy of Shu academy has both talented people, Peng Duanshu, Li Xing and Jiang Xijia, as well as Zheng Fangcheng, char, Wu Zhaoling and other old Confucianism, as well as the high Chen, Yang Fangcan, Niu Shumei and so on. Under the education of these famous mountain heads, the Jinjiang academy trained a large number of famous scholars in Shu, such as famous poets, scholars, dramatists, Li Diaoyuan of "three talents in Shu in Shu", Liu Guangdi, one of the Six Gentlemen of the reform movement of 1898 in the late Qing Dynasty, and the only scholar in Sichuan in the Qing Dynasty, and so on. Jinjiang Academy.
In the course of the long Jinjiang academy office, the leader of the Institute, as the head of the Institute, is of course the key character. They are both the administrative organizer of the Academy, the academic leader of the academy and the soul of the Academy. The academic research and advocacy of the Academy, the academic inheritance and development, the daily management and system of the Academy The academic achievements of the Academy of academies are directly responsible and decisive. Therefore, it is said that the study of the historical features of the Jinjiang academy is the first to study the mountain length of the Jinjiang Academy. Their biographical and academic characteristics, as well as their views on education and their contributions to them are to understand and judge the academy office. The important content of learning achievements and influence should be investigated first. This is the reason why this thesis is entitled "the examination of Jinjiang academy".
Because of the lack of information about Jinjiang academy, scattered and relatively mixed, this article extensively searched and collected a large number of relevant documents, such as "the history of Qing Dynasty >, the manuscript of the Qing History > the stele set >, the seven hundred celebrities of the Qing Dynasty, Yong Zheng < Sichuan Tongzhi >, Jiaqing < Sichuan Tongzhi >, Jiaqing < Fujian Tongzhi >, < Guangdong Tongzhi >, < study >, < study. "School records", "Art >", "biographies of characters", as well as the records of the Jinjiang Academy in the Sichuan library, the county and county records of the Sichuan University library, the schools >, < Art >, < tablet > >, etc., < Jinli Street >, < Qing Poetry >, < the national Dynasty from all Shu poems >, < the national Dynasty first positive strategy >, < Ba Shu Yuan Yinghua > and so on. In addition, it also fully absorbs the research achievements of modern academy and education system: browse Mr. Deng Hongbo's academy system, historical literature such as Chinese Academy rover, Chinese Academy system research, Chinese Academy history, Xiao Feng and other Chinese Academy dictionary, and Cheng Gu Jia's history of Chinese Academy, Hu Zhaoxi's "Sichuan academy history", Yang Busheng's "Yuelu Academy mountain test", "the general history of China's education system" and so on.
On the premise of fully possessing and familiarity with the information, this article focuses on cleaning up the contents of the official calendar, ideological consciousness and educational achievements of the long Jinjiang academy, and examining and examining the doubts in it. The long term records of the long term office of the Academy of Academy of Sciences recorded the confusion and the confusing records of the order of tenure. It focuses on the research and analysis of their achievements in the Jinjiang Academy of calligraphy, what achievements have been made, the contribution to the system construction of the Jinjiang academy, the method of learning and the characteristics of the nurturing people, and so on. Two. Small biographies, chronicling their biographical sketches, focusing on their academic characteristics and their academic impact on the time and afterlife. Three, add up the leaking Hou degrees in the book of the stone chronicle and other books, Yang Xilin two mountain long and verified the question of Hu Zhaoxi's addition to the mountain long Zhang Jinsheng in the history of the Sichuan Academy. From the previous twenty-one to the present twenty-four. Four, a new style of writing about the biography of the academy is designed, that is, to express his life story first, and then to analyze their achievements and contributions in the education of the Academy, to make contributions to the academic achievements of the Academy, and to reflect the academic attainments of the Academy in the academy and the academic attainments. Five, five, the contribution and influence of the Jinjiang Academy on the inheritance and development of Sichuan culture and academic development, the cultivation of talents and the development of education in the Qing Dynasty were summarized and analyzed around the role and influence of all the students of Shan Chang and the Academy of calligraphy in the Qing Dynasty on the political and academic thoughts of the Qing Dynasty.
Through the exploration of these problems, it is of great benefit to us to further understand and understand the historical features of the Jinjiang Academy in Sichuan in the Qing Dynasty, the historical value and historical influence, and the case study of the Academy.
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