
发布时间:2018-05-15 03:14

  本文选题:宋代 + 禁书 ; 参考:《四川大学》2006年博士论文

【摘要】:禁书是人类进入阶级社会以后,在图书相对增加的情况下出现的一种社会现象。它是政府对图书在出版、流通、阅读诸环节或某一环节进行禁止所实施的强制性的行政命令。它既是对当时社会政治、文化的反映,又是对社会经济现象、技术发展的反映。所以禁书既是一种文化现象,又是一种政治现象、经济现象,可称为社会综合现象。 宋代是中国禁书史上的重要时期,这一时期,无论禁书政策、禁书数量还是禁书手段,较之前都有所继承和发展,所以,它上承先秦以来的禁书传统,下启元明清禁书之先河,从一个侧面反映了宋代的社会现状。 本文包括上下两篇:上篇为综述篇,,下篇为案例篇。 上篇介绍了宋代禁书之分期、宋代禁书之特征与类型、宋代禁书与社会的关系(包括禁书与政治的关系,禁书与文化的关系,禁书与经济的关系,禁书与技术发展的关系)、禁书之影响等四个方面。通过综述部分的分析,大致梳理出宋代禁书的概貌。 下篇选取有代表性的禁书案例进行论述,包括禁天文兵书阴阳谶纬图书、禁徐铉所定《切韵》、禁事涉边机政事之图书流向境外、禁元yP学术图书、高宗朝禁书、禁小报、禁道学图书七方面的内容。每类禁书案例大致从禁书背景、缘由、经过、特征等方面进行分析。通过案例分析,增加对上篇综述部分的理解和把握。 最后附《宋代禁书编年》,将宋代历次发生的禁书事件以及一些禁书观点汇总在一起,按年编排,以利于禁书研究者对资料进行钩沉。
[Abstract]:Banning books is a kind of social phenomenon which appears under the condition of the relative increase of books after the mankind enters the class society. It is a compulsory administrative order that the government forbids the publication, circulation and reading of books. It is not only a reflection of social politics and culture, but also a reflection of social and economic phenomena and technological development. Therefore, banning books is not only a cultural phenomenon, but also a political phenomenon, economic phenomenon, can be called social synthesis phenomenon. The Song Dynasty was an important period in the history of banning books in China. In this period, no matter the policy of banning books, the number of books or the means of banning books, they were inherited and developed. Therefore, it inherited the tradition of banning books since the pre-Qin Dynasty, and began to ban books in the Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. It reflects the social situation of Song Dynasty from one aspect. This article includes two chapters: the first is a summary, the other is a case. The first part introduces the period of banning books in Song Dynasty, the characteristics and types of banning books in Song Dynasty, the relationship between forbidden books and society in Song Dynasty (including the relationship between banning books and politics, the relationship between ban books and culture, the relationship between ban books and economy, The relationship between forbidden books and the development of technology, the influence of forbidden books, etc. Through the summary part of the analysis, roughly carded out the Song Dynasty forbidden book overview. The following selected representative cases of banning books are discussed, including the prohibition of astronomical military books, the book of Yin and Yang prophecies, the prohibition of Xu Hyun's "Ching Yun", the flow of books concerning political affairs related to the border, the ban on academic books of Yuan YP, the ban on Gao Zong's books, and the ban on tabloids. Prohibition of Taoist books in seven aspects of the content. Each kind of forbidden book case is analyzed from the aspects of background, reason, process, characteristics and so on. Through case analysis, to increase the understanding and grasp of the part of the previous review. Finally, the chronicle of forbidden books in Song Dynasty is attached, which brings together the historical events of banning books in Song Dynasty and some viewpoints of banning books, and arranges them year by year, in order to facilitate the researchers of forbidden books to hoist the materials.


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