
发布时间:2018-06-06 09:06

  本文选题:北宋 + 士大夫 ; 参考:《山东大学》2011年博士论文

【摘要】:北宋是中国封建社会发生重大变革的时期,封建政治、经济发生一系列深刻变化,为繁盛的交游局面的形成提供了极大可能性,北宋社会出现了“举世重交游”的盛况。作为北宋社会的政治和文化主体,随着经济、政治、社会地位的全面提升,士大夫群体也依托亲缘、地缘、业缘、趣缘等各种社会关系和社会机缘,以极大的自信和热情,形成了对象广泛、主题丰富、形式各异的交游活动。 士大夫作为北宋社会的中坚阶层,在政治、经济、文化等诸事务中扮演了极为重要的角色。本文以北宋时期士大夫群体的交游为研究对象。对北宋士大夫的精神风貌、交游观和交游心态进行了细致考察,并对士大夫之间,以及士大夫与武将、宗室、后妃、外戚、宦官、商人、歌妓、巫觋术士、僧道人士等社会各阶层和群体之间的交游关系和交游状况进行了微观研究,以期从宏观上把握北宋士大夫所在时代的基本政治、经济、文化和社会生活面貌。 北宋时期实行“崇文抑武”的治国方略,偃武右文,施行文治。官私教育普及,学术文化出现明显的民众化倾向,加之“取士不问家世”的科举制度的大力推行,大量平民知识分子由科举入仕,最终推进了北宋时期士大夫群体的壮大和以士大夫为主体的政治形态——“士大夫政治”的形成。士大夫政治条件下,作为君权的唯一合作者,士大夫群体在北宋时期的政治和社会地位达到了一个空前的高度。统治者对士大夫阶层的倚重、尊崇和优礼,成就了北宋士大夫生存、发展难得的历史际遇,这对其精神风貌、交游心态,乃至交游行为的构建与塑造,均产生了极为直接且重要的影响。 北宋时期,伴随门阀制度的最终破除,社会成员之间的身份差异逐渐缩小,界限进一步模糊,各阶层之间广泛交游渐成社会常态,士大夫交游亦不限士庶。随着社会生产的繁荣、商品经济的发展,保守、封闭的社会状态渐为开放、活跃的社会状态所取代,人们的交游对象增加,交游范围扩大,交往能力亦得到增强,交往发展到了一个新的水平,人与人之间的社会联系也更为频繁,遂在北宋社会形成了“举世重交游”的良好时代氛围。士大夫积极投身于各类交游活动,而优越的休假和俸禄制度,则为其交游提供了充裕的闲暇和良好的经济条件。 士大夫间的交游形式主要包括日常走访、礼尚往来等。此外,北宋士大夫还经常相约同游山水名胜,其雅集、结社活动亦格外频繁,士大夫倚此进行休闲、创作,并实现感情上的交流。在统治者“厚自娱乐”的政策劝导下,北宋士大夫中逐渐产生了一种极娱心态,交游中即含有众多的娱乐休闲性内容,例如,宴饮。宴饮中又常伴有乐舞、投壶、行酒令和传花等娱乐活动。另外,弈棋亦是士大夫宴席之上和闲暇时分经常进行的一种休闲娱乐活动。对士大夫日常闲暇中具有交际功能的休闲娱乐活动进行探讨,是了解北宋士大夫的社会生活和精神风貌的一个重要依据。 北宋时期士大夫阶层强势崛起,崇文抑武、“与士大夫共治天下”的政治构架,为这一群体营造出与前代截然不同的生存、发展环境,士大夫的内心世界与精神气质由此产生了极为深刻的变化,表现出一种崭新的精神风貌。这种精神新貌主要体现在士大夫政治主体意识,即社会责任感的增强,以及群体意识、个体意识、自我意识的觉醒上 这一时期,士大夫的交游心态呈现出较多的理性色彩,突出表现在自信、平等、包容、开放、平和等几个方面。慎交、淡交,崇尚道义、信义之交,推崇长久不渝的交谊,推崇“君子之交”、“真丈夫之交”,是北宋士大夫几个较为突出的交游理念,在这一时期的士大夫家训中亦有所反映。士大夫的精神风貌、交游心态和交游观对其交游行为具有重要的指导意义。 士大夫交游出于不同的动因。性情、志趣相近,以及对对方的仰慕均可构成彼此间的交游。另外,士大夫的政治身份还决定了这一群体在交游中对政治利益的考量。北宋一朝朋党之争如火如荼,士大夫们将良好的交游关系引入政治生活,形成良好的政治伙伴关系,并通过广事交游来壮大朋党。与此相类,“婚姻不问阀阅”的时代新风下,士大夫还通过联姻巩固、发展彼此间的交游和朋党关系,维护已有的政治利益。由交游而朋党、而联姻,成为士大夫间交游关系发展的一种常见模式。 针对士大夫间的奔竞、请托与结党交游,统治者通过连坐、禁谒等法制手段进行一定的约束与干预。这与险嬓的政治斗争形势一同,大大增加了士大夫交游的政治风险,使北宋士大夫的交游在活跃的交游局面背后,隐约显现出某种淡交的倾向。 北宋统治者吸取前代乱离教训,实施“崇文抑武”的治国方略,与士大夫共治天下,而对武将、宗室、后妃、外戚、宦官等几个政治相关群体进行严密的防范,他们与士大夫的交游亦随之受到一定的限制。伴随政治地位的上升,士大夫在与武将、宗室、后妃、外戚、宦官的关系地位对比中表现出较为明显的优势,这在士大夫与上述群体的交游中有所体现。另外,士大夫与外戚、宦官等群体的交游还常以政治交结的形式呈现,成为北宋一朝政治斗争的有机组成部分。 北宋时期,随着商品经济的发展,商人的政治地位和社会地位有了较大提升,士大夫不以从商赢利为耻,同时还与商人、富民结托交游,甚至通婚结姻;此外,北宋士大夫还与以歌妓为主的女性群体进行交游。士大夫狎妓成风,常以妓唱词奏乐、侑觞助兴。士大夫与歌妓诗酒唱和、填词弄弦,扩大了词的传播,刺激了词的创作,使二者间的交游具有了重要的文化意义。此外,宋代巫术活动猖獗,士大夫中亦不乏崇巫信巫之人,士大夫与巫觋、术士进行交游,甚至交结谋逆,受到统治者的高度关注和严厉打击。 北宋实行较为宽松的佛、道教政策,佛道二教在这一时期得到空前发展。士大夫参禅论道、信佛崇道,士、僧,以及士、道之间交游普遍,交游形式亦较为多样。士大夫的释、道方外交,对北宋时期的“三教合流”,以及文学创作的发展等均具有重要的推动作用,同时这种方外交谊还对士大夫的生活方式、处世心态以及人生态度等形成了较为深刻的影响。
[Abstract]:The Northern Song Dynasty is a period of great change in feudal society in China . The feudal politics and the economy have undergone a series of profound changes . It has provided great possibilities for the formation of the flourishing cross - up situation . As the political and cultural subject of the Northern Song society , the scholar - doctor group also depends on the social relations and the social opportunity of the family , the geo - edge , the business edge and the interest edge .

The scholar - doctor plays a very important role in politics , economy , culture and other affairs as the middle - class stratum of the Northern Song society . In this paper , the author makes a study on the relationship and the relationship between the scholar - doctor and the scholar - doctor , as well as between the scholar and doctor and the martial arts , the businessmen , the fans , the sorcery , the monks and so on , with a view to mastering the basic political , economic , cultural and social life of the scholar - doctor in Northern Song Dynasty .

The political and social status of scholar - doctor group in the Northern Song Dynasty reached an unprecedented height under the political conditions of scholar - doctors , and the political and social status of scholar - doctor group in Northern Song Dynasty reached an unprecedented height .

With the prosperity of social production , the development of commodity economy , the social status of closed society gradually become an open and active state of society .

In addition , the scholar - doctors are often accompanied by recreational activities such as music and dance , pitcher , wine order and flowers . In addition , chess is also a kind of leisure and recreational activity which is often carried out on the basis of the ruler ' s " thick self - entertainment " . In addition , chess is also a kind of leisure and recreational activity which is often carried out in the entertainment of the scholar - doctor and leisure .

The rise of the scholar ' s stratum in the Northern Song Dynasty , Chongwen ' s political structure , and the political framework of " common governing the world with the scholar - doctor " , created a very profound change in the survival and development environment of the former generations . The spirit and the spirit of the scholar ' s inner world and spirit produced profound changes , showing a brand - new spirit . This spirit is mainly reflected in the consciousness of the political subject of the scholar , the enhancement of social responsibility , and the awakening of group consciousness , individual consciousness and self - consciousness .

In this period , the scholar - doctor ' s attitude of friendship presents a lot of rational color , which is manifested in the aspects of self - confidence , equality , inclusion , openness , peace and the like . It is also reflected in the practice of the scholar - doctor ' s spirit , friendship and friendship . It is also reflected in the master ' s family training in the period of this period .

In addition , the political status of the scholar determines the political interests of the group in the handover . In addition , the political status of the scholar decides the political interests of the group in the handover . In the new style of the times , the scholar - doctors have established good political partnership and established a good political partnership .

In the light of the running competition between doctors and doctors , the rulers of the Communist Party of Northern Song Dynasty have greatly increased the political risk of the intercourse between the doctors and doctors , which has greatly increased the political risk of the intercourse between the doctors and doctors .

The rulers of the Northern Song Dynasty drew lessons from the previous generation and carried out the policy of " Chongwen Zhi - suppression " , which was closely guarded by the scholar - doctors . They also had a certain restriction on the relationship between the martial arts , the clan , the imperial concubine , the external Qi and the uchs .

During the Northern Song Dynasty , with the development of the commodity economy , the political status and social status of the businessman increased greatly , and the scholar didn ' t win the profit as a disgrace , but also with the businessman , Fu Min , and even marriage ;
In addition , the scholar - doctor of the Northern Song Dynasty was also engaged with the female group who was mainly the geisha . The scholar - doctor and the prostitute became the wind . They often sang songs and sang songs with prostitutes . The scholar - doctor and the singer - poetry wine sang and filled the words , so that they had an important cultural significance . In addition , there was a great deal of activity in the Song Dynasty , and the scholar - doctor had not been in charge of the wizard of the wizard , and the scholar and the wizard , the magicians and the sorcerer , and even the conspirators , were highly concerned and severely beaten by the rulers .

In the Northern Song Dynasty , more relaxed Buddhist and Taoist policies were applied in this period . The scholar - doctor ' s meditation on Zen Buddhism , Taoism , monks and monks , and the development of literary creation , had an important role in promoting the life style , the life style and the ecological degree of the scholar .


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