本文选题:魏晋南北朝 + 环境史 ; 参考:《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2014年02期
[Abstract]:The ecological environment problem refers to the negative feedback effects that human beings bring about by the destruction and pollution of the natural environment in the process of utilizing and transforming the nature for their own survival and development. During the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties, environmental quality declined due to many natural and social factors, such as ecological destruction and air pollution. The serious harm of environmental problems urges people's consciousness of environmental protection to be conscious and strengthened. At that time, the rulers and the broad masses of the people followed the beneficial elements of Chinese traditional ecological environmental protection consciousness and made active explorations, which produced a wealth of ideas about ecological environment and many reasonable opinions on ecological propositions. Such as the ecological philosophy of harmony between heaven and man, the ecological ethics of universal love for all things, the ecological ethics of lenient punishment, the ecological construction of adjusting nature and improving the environment. With the promotion of the ruling class and the cooperation of the local officials, the environmental protection consciousness gradually went deep into the people's hearts, and the ordinary people also emphasized that agricultural production was orderly and orderly. The ecological construction thought of Wei, Jin and Southern and Northern dynasties still has certain reference value to the present society.
【作者单位】: 许昌学院历史文化与旅游学院;
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