发布时间:2018-06-10 17:39
本文选题:宋代 + 乡村社会 ; 参考:《山东大学》2005年博士论文
【摘要】:乡村行政组织是国家为实现乡村社会的管理而在乡村设立的,负有管理乡村社会行政事务和公共事务的权力和职责,并有一定人员配置的行政组织。一定的人员配置和职权是乡村行政组织的两个基本要素。 古代文献中没有关于宋代乡村行政组织设置的明确记载,只有大量关于乡村区划及其编排方式的叙述。只有从各种区划的性质入手,考察其是否为行政区划,判定其是否为乡村行政组织,方能对它们之间的关系及宋代乡村社会的行政管理体制有清晰的认识。根据乡村行政组织的两个基本要素,可发现宋代的里、村、社等并非乡村行政组织,只是作为地域单位或聚落名称存在。团虽有一定的人员配置,并负有维持治安的职责,但它不承担上级行政组织交办的事务,未被纳入国家行政组织体系之内,也不是真正意义上的乡村行政组织。 宋代乡村行政组织的演变以熙丰变法为界分为两个阶段。熙丰变法以前为第一阶段。这是以催征赋税为主要职责的乡或管与以维护治安为主要职责的耆并行的时期。乡以里正、户长、乡书手为主要头目,负有催征赋役、修造版簿和劝课农桑等职责。至和二年,里正被废,乡以户长和乡书手为头目仍然发挥着行政组织的作用,直至熙丰变法时其行政职能才完全消失,但仍作为地域单位长期存在。管初设于开宝七年,终于熙宁八年,设有户长,负责催征赋役,但这一制度并未在全国推广。耆萌芽于后周,设有耆长和壮丁,主要负责维护治安。熙丰变法以后为第二阶段。保甲法逐渐与差役法结合,使都保取代了原来的乡和管而成为乡村行政组织。都保制下,设有保正副、大小保长和承帖人,行使维护治安和催征赋役等多项职能。耆仍旧存在,但地位逐渐下降。宋代乡村行政组织在发展过程中表现出地缘化、控制范围缩小、职能日趋集中和职役化等特点。 宋代乡村行政组织的职能非常广泛,涵盖了乡村社会生活的多个方面。乡村行政组织在两税收纳、刑事诉讼和灾荒救助等乡村事务实施的许多环节都发挥着不可或缺的作用。乡村行政组织是国家统治的“神经末梢”,是联系国家与乡民的中介。乡村行政组织的施政明显侧重于催征赋税和维护治安,其参与社会公共事
[Abstract]:The rural administrative organization is established in the countryside by the country to realize the management of the rural society. It has the power and responsibility to manage the rural social administrative affairs and the public affairs, and has the certain personnel disposition administrative organization. There are no clear records on the setting of rural administrative organizations in the ancient literature, but a large number of narrations about the rural regionalization and its arrangement. Only by examining whether it is administrative division and judging whether it is a rural administrative organization can we have a clear understanding of the relationship between them and the administrative system of rural society in Song Dynasty. According to the two basic elements of rural administrative organization, it can be found that Li, village and community of Song Dynasty are not rural administrative organizations, but only exist as regional units or settlement names. Although the regiment has a certain staffing and is responsible for maintaining public order, it does not undertake the affairs assigned by the higher administrative organizations and is not included in the system of state administrative organizations. The evolution of rural administrative organizations in Song Dynasty is divided into two stages. Xifeng Reform was the first stage. This is a period in which the main duty is to promote taxation and to maintain public order. Township to be in charge, the head of the household, the village hand for the main head, with the duty to urge, repair edition book and advise the agricultural mulberry class and other responsibilities. To and two years, Li is being scrapped, the township with the head of the household and the villagers still play an administrative organization role, until the Xifeng reform of its administrative function completely disappeared, but still exist as a regional unit for a long time. Management was initially set up in Kaibao seven years, finally Xining eight years, with a head of household, responsible for the duty, but this system has not been popularized in the country. Astragalus sprouted in the latter week, with a long and strong, mainly responsible for the maintenance of public order. Xifeng reform was later the second stage. Baojia law gradually combined with the law of service, so that Dubao replaced the original township and management and became a rural administrative organization. Under the insurance system, it has many functions, such as safeguard and deputy, big and small, and consignor, to maintain public order and to urge people to perform duties and so on. The aged still exist, but their status is gradually declining. During the development of rural administrative organizations in the Song Dynasty, the rural administrative organizations showed the characteristics of geographical localization, narrow control scope, increasingly centralized functions and servitude, etc. The functions of the rural administrative organizations in the Song Dynasty were very extensive and covered many aspects of rural social life. Rural administrative organizations play an indispensable role in the implementation of rural affairs, such as tax collection, criminal proceedings and famine relief. The rural administrative organizations are the nerve endings of the state and the intermediary between the state and the villagers. The administration of rural administrative organizations is clearly focused on promoting taxation and maintaining public order, and their participation in public affairs
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2 刁培俊;;宋朝的乡役与乡村“行政区划”[J];南开学报(哲学社会科学版);2008年01期
3 张正印;;论宋代狱讼胥吏的地位[J];法治论丛(上海政法学院学报);2008年05期
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2 战秀梅;北宋士大夫地方教化研究[D];上海师范大学;2010年
3 陈德洋;金朝中原乡村社会控制研究[D];吉林大学;2010年
4 杨瑞军;北宋东京治安研究[D];首都师范大学;2012年
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3 田翼;身份与宋季地方司法审判[D];暨南大学;2013年