本文选题:张四维 + 年谱 ; 参考:《兰州大学》2007年硕士论文
【摘要】: 张四维,字子维,号凤磐,山西蒲州(永济)人。出身晋商世家,一生为官,官至首辅。为明代的发展起了不可泯灭的影响。但至今尚无一种详悉张四维的年谱。本论文的写作意图即在填补这一缺陷: 一、对张氏世系作了确切考察; 二、对张四维的生平行事和交游逐年考索排比,力求准确详尽; 三、对张四维的大部分作品作了系年考订; 本谱共分以下几个部分: 凡例:以说明年谱编排的体例和原则。 传略:对谱主的生平行迹作一简要介绍,,对相关问题分析论述。 年谱:将谱主的生平行迹按年编排,加以详细注解说明,对相关问题加以考证。 参考文献及附录。
[Abstract]:Zhang Si Wei, the word sub-Wei, number Feng Pan, Shanxi Province Puzhou (Yongji) people. Jin business family, life as an official, officials to the first auxiliary. For the development of the Ming Dynasty had an indelible impact. But so far there is no detailed understanding of Zhang Siwei chronology. The purpose of this thesis is to fill in this defect: first, to make a definite investigation of Zhang's lineage; second, Zhang Siwei's life and friends are compared year by year in order to be accurate and detailed. Third, the majority of Zhang Siwei's works are examined year by year. This spectrum is divided into the following parts: examples: to illustrate the chronological layout of the style and principles. Biography: a brief introduction to the life of the master spectrum, and analysis of related issues. Chronology: chronological arrangement of the master's life, detailed notes, and textual research on related issues. References and appendices.
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