本文选题:东周 + 经济活动 ; 参考:《陕西师范大学》2004年硕士论文
【摘要】:东周社会是我国历史上一个大变动的时代。对这一时代经济活动的考察吸引了大批学者的兴趣,然而问题本身的复杂性使得这项研究在今天仍有进一步展开的必要。不可否认,马克思主义唯物史观对生产力与生产关系的分析为我们认识人类的经济活动提供了一个重要的、不可或缺的理论武器,但是,它仅仅是对人类经济活动,尤其是近代以来资本主义经济活动的一般性概括,也就是说它是在排除了其它因素的影响和干扰后概括出来的一个理论。考虑到前辈学者对生产力因素已做了深入的研究,因而我们便将注意力转向“非经济因素”这个没有引起人们足够重视的方面,以求推进这项研究。从文化史学的视点出发,本文通过对政治、人口与宗教三个“非经济因素”在东周经济活动中的重大影响进行分析,说明非经济因素(文化因素)在经济活动中的地位和作用,经济活动中的非经济因素(文化因素)研究应引起人们的高度重视。 文章分为五部分: 第一部分是前言,从分析马克思对生产力与生产关系之关系的论述入手,指出了以往的古代经济史研究中对这一理论的误解,并通过对近来研究的分析,提出从非经济因素的视角来解释东周社会的经济活动。 第二部分主要考察了东周经济生活中的政治因素。东周社会是一个政治全面干预和支配经济的时代。这从“重农抑商”政策与中国国家产生方式的关系、礼仪与贵族阶层的产品流通、借贷关系转化为政治权谋层面上的施舍、典范政治畸变为上行下效对商品价格的影响以及其它如从经商理念出发的政治投资、在水利建设中的政治权谋、政府对市场运作的管理等方面深刻地表现出来。 第三部分主要是对人口在经济活动中影响的分析。在东周社会巨变中,人口因素扮演了一个十分重要的角色。人口规模的扩大,人地关系的紧张,直接影响了东周社会的土地制度、社会分工以及赋税制度。 第四部分考察了宗教对经济活动的影响。由于长期以来对马克思主义的片面理解,我们总是一味强调经济生活对其它领域的影响,总是认为社会意识是社会经济的派生物,从而忽视意识形态的巨大反作用。事实上,在东周社会中,藉田以供粢盛、生z\z、祈雨、八蜡、祈年等宗教活动正是先民为了对付不可预料事情而付出的努力。
[Abstract]:The society of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was a time of great change in the history of our country. The study of economic activities in this era has attracted the interest of a large number of scholars, but the complexity of the problem itself makes it necessary to further develop the research today. Undeniably, the analysis of productive forces and relations of production in Marxist historical materialism provides us with an important and indispensable theoretical weapon for understanding human economic activities, but it is only a theoretical weapon for human economic activities. Especially the general generalization of capitalist economic activities since modern times, that is to say, it is a theory after excluding the influence and interference of other factors. Taking into account that previous scholars have done in-depth research on productivity factors, we turn our attention to the "non-economic factors", which have not attracted enough attention, in order to promote this research. From the viewpoint of cultural history, this paper analyzes the important influence of the three "non-economic factors" of politics, population and religion in the economic activities of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, and explains the position and function of the non-economic factors (cultural factors) in the economic activities. The study of non-economic factors (cultural factors) in economic activities should be attached great importance to. The article is divided into five parts: the first part is the preface, starting with the analysis of Marx's discussion on the relationship between productive forces and production relations. This paper points out the misunderstanding of this theory in the past studies of ancient economic history, and through the analysis of recent studies, puts forward the explanation of social economic activities in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty from the perspective of non-economic factors. The second part mainly examines the political factors in the economic life of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. The society of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty was an era of political intervention and domination of the economy. This is from the relationship between the policy of "emphasizing agriculture and suppressing commerce" and the way the Chinese state is produced, the relationship between etiquette and the circulation of products of the aristocratic class, and the relationship between borrowing and borrowing, which is transformed into giving at the level of political power. The typical political aberration is the influence on the commodity price of the effect of the superior and the following, as well as other political investment, such as the political investment based on the business idea, the political manoeuvre in water conservancy construction and the government's management of the operation of the market, and so on. The third part is the analysis of the impact of population in economic activities. In the social changes of the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, the population factor played a very important role. The expansion of population scale and the tension between man and land directly affected the land system, social division of labor and taxation system in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty. The fourth part examines the influence of religion on economic activities. Because of the one-sided understanding of Marxism for a long time, we always blindly emphasize the influence of economic life on other fields, and always think that social consciousness is the school of social economy, thus neglecting the huge reaction of ideology. As a matter of fact, in the Eastern Zhou Dynasty, religious activities such as "Tian" for prosperity, "z", "rain pray", "eight wax", "pray for the year", and other religious activities were precisely the efforts made by the forefathers to deal with unforeseen things.
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