发布时间:2018-07-03 13:01
本文选题:十八世纪 + 中国与朝鲜 ; 参考:《中央民族大学》2004年博士论文
【摘要】: 全文共分十一个部分,每章具体阐述的内容如下: 第一部分为序言,主要由论文的基本观点及选题意义、研究动态及创新、研究方法等内容组成。首先对文化、文化交流、华夷秩序、中朝朝贡关系、十八世纪中朝文化交流的意义等问题阐明了笔者的观点,然后介绍了韩国、台湾、中国国内学术界与本课题相关的主要研究动态并指出笔者的创新部分和采用的研究方法。 第二部分对古代中朝文化交流的历史进行了回顾。中朝两国山水相连、一衣带水,有着数千年悠久的文化交流历史。从公元前七世纪春秋战国时期的齐国与古朝鲜之间发生的经济交流开始,经秦、汉、隋、唐、宋、元、明一直到清朝前期,中国的历代王朝与朝鲜半岛的国家间在政治、经济、文化等各个领域里的交流从来没有中断过。两国在长期的交流过程中共有了汉文字和儒家文化,并相互影响、取长补短,丰富和发展了各自的民族文化。在漫长的古代历史发展过程中,中国文化对朝鲜的影响是主要的,中国古代的历代王朝依靠其文化的领先和泱泱大国的气势对周边国家或民族包括朝鲜形成文化辐射,从而形成了以中国为核心的儒家思想文化圈。但文化的发展是双向的,在双方的交往过程中,朝鲜文化对中国的影响也是不容忽视的,古代朝鲜文化通过使节往来、物资交换、人口移动等三种渠道不断地传入中国,也在一定程度上影响和促进了中国文化的发展。 第三部分阐述了十八世纪中朝文化交流的特点和背景。十八世纪中朝文化交流是在典型的朝贡关系体制下进行的,因中朝两国均实行严密的锁国政策,两国的文化交流主要通过使节往来这一狭窄通道进行。每年两国间进行的定期、不定期的使节团的往来是两国文化交流的唯一途径。使节团成员除了完成政治外交任务外,还起了两国文化交流的媒介作用。对中国来说,十八世纪正值康雍乾盛世,国家统一,政治稳定、经济繁荣、文化昌盛,给朝鲜使节的文化交流活动提供了相对宽松、自由、和平的条件。因此,朝鲜使臣对两国文化交流所作出的贡献较显著,众多的燕行著作的出现就是最好的证明。相反,朝 鲜因朝野上下“尊华攘夷”、“尊明斥清”思想严重,提防与清朝使节 的交流,再加上出使朝鲜的清朝使团成员大都是武官,对文化交流不 太关心,所以清朝使臣在十八世纪中朝文化交流中所取得的成果相对 少一些。 十八世纪中朝文化交流是历史上中朝文化交流的继续,但也有与 以前不同的新的特点。从交流形式上看,这个时期除了往来于两国的 外交使臣的交流活动外,没有像唐宋时期留学生、僧人的自由往来和 民间商人的贸易活动。从交流内容上看,除了与传统的官方使行贸易、 书籍交流、文人间交流外,还多了一项西学交流这一新的项目。 第四部分阐述了十八世纪中朝两国的物质文化交流。这个时期, 中朝物质文化交流主要通过两国之间贡赐物资交换,栅门和会同馆互 市,中江、庆源、会宁等边市贸易。通过物质文化交流,两国互通有 无,各取所需,不仅丰富了两国的物质文化生活,而且在一定程度上 刺激了两国工商业的发展。 第五部分论述了十八世纪中朝书籍交流。中朝两国书籍交流的历 史悠久,这个时期中朝书籍交流,,主要通过中国皇帝对朝鲜的赐书、 朝鲜使节团在北京的贸书、中朝文人之间私赠等三种渠道实现的。这 个时期的中朝书籍交流,以中国书籍对朝鲜的传入和影响为主,中国 的经史类儒学文化典籍和天文、历法、地理以及西学等方面的书籍不 断地传入朝鲜,对朝鲜社会产生了重大影响,成为朝鲜英祖、正祖时 期“文运中兴”的基础。但朝鲜的书籍也通过各种渠道传入中国,主 要是医学、文学、历史等书籍,对丰富和发展中国文化起了不可忽视 的作用。北京琉璃厂书肆是这个时期中朝书籍交流的最重要的场所, 从中国传入朝鲜的各种书籍,大部分购于琉璃厂书肆。 第六部分论述了十八世纪中朝文人之间的学谊。这个时期朝鲜文 人、学者随使团到中国,广泛接触中国的文人、学者,并通过笔谈和 书信往来,在政治、经济、文化、科技等广泛领域进行坦诚的交流, 并结下了深厚的国际友谊,为中朝文化交流的进一步发展做出了重大 贡献。 第七部分论述了十八世纪中朝西学交流。这个时期,西学对朝鲜 传播、影响的情形与中国、日本不同。前者是主要通过朝鲜使臣从中 国间接吸收的,而后者是通过西方传教士在本国的传教活动直接吸收 的。早在十六世纪西洋传教士通过各种渠道开始来中国传教,到十八 世纪许多传教士在清朝任钦天监监正,并出版了很多汉译西学书籍, 为中朝西学交流创造了条件。朝鲜使臣到北京后,主动参观和访问西 洋神父主持的天主教堂,并与他们围绕有关天主教和天文、历算等方 面问题进行了交流,还购买许多汉译西学书籍。这不仅对天主教和西 方科学技术在朝鲜的传播起了重大作用,而且对朝鲜传统华夷观的转 变起了重要作用。 第八部分论述了十八世纪中朝文化交流与朝鲜北学思想。十八世 纪的中朝文化交流对朝鲜政治、经济、文化等各方面都产生了影响, 其中最重要的是正祖年间出现的北学思想。朝鲜“北学派
[Abstract]:The full text is divided into eleven parts , and the contents of each chapter are as follows :
The first part is divided into the preface , mainly composed of the basic viewpoint of the thesis , the significance of choosing the topic , the research method and so on . Firstly , the author points out the author ' s viewpoint on the relationship between culture , cultural exchange , the order of the Chinese and the Chinese and the significance of the cultural exchange in the 18th century , then introduces the main research developments related to the subject in Korea , Taiwan and China , and points out the author ' s innovative part and the research method adopted .
The second part reviews the history of the cultural exchange between the two countries in ancient China . In the course of the long - term communication between the two countries , the exchange of Chinese characters and Confucian culture has never been interrupted . In the course of long - term exchanges , the Chinese culture has not been interrupted . In the course of long - term historical development , the Chinese culture has formed a cultural circle of Confucianism with Chinese as the core . In the course of the long - term history development , the influence of Chinese culture on China is not neglected . In the course of the long - term history development , the culture of Korea has been continuously introduced into China through three channels such as diplomatic relations , material exchange and population movement .
The third part expounds the characteristics and backgrounds of cultural exchanges in the mid - 18th century . During the eighteenth century , the cultural exchanges between the two countries have been carried out under the system of typical dynasties . The cultural exchanges between the two countries are the only way to exchange cultural exchanges between the two countries .
Fresh because of the " pride of the flower " , the " respecting the Ming and Qing " thought is serious , the guard against and the Qing Dynasty envoys
The exchange of cultural exchanges , coupled with the fact that most of the members of the delegation of the Republic of Korea to the DPRK are military officers , do not have a cultural exchange
It is so concerned that the Qing Dynasty achieved the relative achievements in cultural exchanges in the 18 th century .
It ' s a little less .
Cultural exchange in the mid - 18th century is the continuation of cultural exchanges in history , but it is also
In the form of communication , this period is in addition to the two countries
Apart from the exchange activities of diplomatic envoys , there are no free exchanges between students and monks like students in the Tang and Song Dynasties .
Trade activities of civil merchants , as viewed from the exchange of content , in addition to trade with traditional officials ,
In addition to the exchange of books and communication between human and human beings , there is also a new project to exchange this new study .
The fourth part describes the cultural exchanges of the two countries in the eighteenth century .
The cultural exchange of the DPRK and the DPRK is mainly through the exchange of materials and materials between the two countries , the gates of the gates and the mutual library .
The city , middle river , Qingyuan , Huining and other border trade . Through material cultural exchange , the two countries communicate with each other
No , all necessary , not only enrich the material cultural life of the two countries , but also to a certain extent
The development of business and commerce between the two countries was stimulated .
The fifth part discusses the exchange of books in the eighteenth century with the book exchange in the two countries .
Shi has a long history . During this period , the book exchange , mainly through the Chinese emperor ' s gift to Korea ,
The delegation of the Democratic People ' s Republic of Korea implemented three channels , such as trade books in Beijing , Sino - Korean private gifts , etc .
The Sino - DPRK book exchange in a period of time is dominated by Chinese books on the introduction and influence of Korea , and China
The classics of Confucian classics and astronomy , calendar , geography and western science in the history of Confucian classics do not
It has had a great impact on the Korean society and became the leader of the Democratic People ' s Republic of Korea ( DPRK ) .
But North Korea ' s books are also introduced into China through various channels .
If medicine , literature , history and other books , it can not be ignored for enriching and developing the Chinese culture
The function of Beijing Liulichang is the most important place for the exchange of books in this period .
Most of the books imported from China to North Korea are mostly purchased from the glazed factory .
The sixth part discusses the friendship between the Chinese and the Chinese in the eighteenth century .
The scholars , scholars and scholars have come into contact with Chinese scholars and scholars with the mission to China .
in a wide range of political , economic , cultural , science and technology ,
In addition , profound international friendship has been forged , and the further development of Sino - DPRK cultural exchanges has made great progress
Contribution .
The seventh part discusses the exchange of western science in the 18 th century .
The situation is different from China and Japan . The former is mainly through the North Korean envoy .
Indirect absorption by the State , which is directly absorbed by Western missionaries in their own missionary activities
Early in the sixteenth century , Western missionaries began teaching in China through various channels , to 18 .
in that first century , many missionaries were in charge of the imperial supervision of the Qing dynasty , and many of the Western - based books were published .
In order to create conditions for the exchanges between China and the West , North Korea has visited and visited the West after its arrival in Beijing .
a Catholic church hosted by the Father of the Ocean , and with them about Catholic and astronomy , calendar , and so on .
The problem has been exchanged , and many Western - based books have been purchased . This is not only Catholic and Western .
The spread of Chinese science and technology in North Korea has played a major role , and it has turned to the tradition of North Korea
and plays an important role .
The eighth part discusses the cultural exchange in the eighteenth century and the North Korean thought of North Korea .
The Sino - DPRK cultural exchanges have had an impact on North Korea ' s political , economic and cultural aspects .
One of the most important is the north school thought that emerged during the past decade . North Korea " North School "
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