
发布时间:2018-07-06 15:23

  本文选题:魏晋 + 贵族 ; 参考:《江海学刊》2014年03期

[Abstract]:The six dynasties were the period in which the aristocrats occupied the main position in politics and society. But is the foundation formed by the aristocrats dependent on imperial power or supported by rural public opinion other than imperial power? This is the focus of the study of the Middle Ancient aristocracy. It is helpful to analyze the connotation and significance of the township theory in the Wei and Jin dynasties by analyzing the style of Fangda prevailing in the Yuan Kang period of the Western Jin Dynasty. Fangda atmosphere came into being in the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and became more and more violent in Wei and Jin dynasties. Among them representative figures, before have bamboo forest famous person, after have Yuan Kang personage. The traditional research tends to compare the two, and the conclusion is basically positive and negative. Bamboo forest and Yuankang are essentially the continuation of the Fangda trend since the end of the Han Dynasty. However, the difference between Fangda of Yuan Kang period, Cao Wei and bamboo forest period is that it transcends the stratum and group and rises into a universal social phenomenon. Among them, the reason lies in the public opinion, that is, the township theory to support and praise the act of Fangda. The local public opinion was positive and praised the Fanda behavior that the state power or imperial power did not approve of, and many Fanda figures also entered the bureaucratic world, such as the representative aristocrat Chen County Xie in the Eastern Jin and Southern dynasties. It was against this background that the rise of his family began. The above facts show that in discussing the formation and nature of the aristocrats in the Wei and Jin dynasties, the support and function of the local social township theory can not be ignored.
【作者单位】: 南京师范大学社会发展学院;


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