[Abstract]:The establishment of the Premier Yamen was the beginning of the reform of the official system of the Qing Dynasty, and the selection and employment of personnel did not follow the routine; until the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was created, the selection and employment of personnel further broke through customization, and the officers of the department were selected and transferred from the examination of Beijing officials to the transfer of various specialized personnel. For the use of mission personnel also increasingly pay attention to specialized knowledge. The evolution of the employment model from the Premier's Yamen to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs not only reflects the specialization of the functional division of the official system in the process of the reform of the official system, but also the specialization of the selection and employment of personnel. At the same time, it also reflects the mutual influence and restriction between the reform of official system and the reform of public election system.
【作者单位】: 桂林电子科技大学公共事务学院;
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