
发布时间:2018-08-02 12:19
【摘要】: 强调或突出台湾与大陆的历史文化联系,是以往台湾史和两岸关系史研究中最基本的学术取向;受其影响,两岸之间的管辖关系,以及历史上中原王朝对台湾的管辖形式,或多或少被忽略。事实上,台湾海峡,风涛之险,不仅未能阻止两岸的历史文化联系,而且还孕育出为应对或适应自然阻隔而设计的管辖制度。清代渡海巡台制度,即是台湾建省之前,清王朝对台湾实施的直接管辖制度。就中原王朝对台湾的直接管辖形式而言,其上承早期的“隔海遥制”,下启晚清台湾建省,可谓承前启后。本文拟在制度视角下,以清代治台政策为背景,以渡海巡台制度的演变为主线,通过对制度运作之描述与分析,揭示其性质与功能。 本文除在绪论中通过回顾相关研究成果,以启发研究动机外,共分四章。其中,第一章为切入主题之前的背景;第二、三、四章分别为清代渡海巡台制度演变的三个阶段;最后通过对清代渡海巡台制度进行整体性分析,作为本文的结论。 第一章清代渡海巡台之背景。本文重点探讨清代渡海巡台制度的演变及其功能,但在切入主题之前,也述及“七百里横洋”,不仅飓槺骤发,风信靡常,而且有黑水沟之险与鹿尔门之忧等恶劣的水文、气候现象,对海防和海上交通带来的不利影响、对渡者心理造成的恐惧和由此形成的海神信仰;同时,对清代渡海巡台制度实施之前,历史上中原王朝对台湾的早期管辖形式之演变,即经由早期经略、以澎湖遥制台湾和闽台合治,及其所折射出的文化观念,进行较为详实的考证与描述。在相对潜在且相当宏观的视角下,揭示清代渡海巡台的自然、历史与文化背景,为后面的研究提供一个分析框架。 第二章巡台御史制度,即清代渡海巡台制度的初始阶段。巡台御史制度,肇建于对康熙六十年朱一贵起义的反思;而它的废止,,则迎来了乾隆五十一年的林爽文起义。无论是历史巧合还是具有因果关系,巡台御史制度对清代台湾之政治、武备和文化教育等方面产生的积极影响,是可以肯定的。依据制度设计,巡台御史的职责为“沟通信息”,即推行朝廷政令,反映台湾舆情;其实际运作中则具体表现为条陈台地事宜、处理地方事务、巡阅营伍和推行教化等。巡台御史之无限权力来自皇权所赋,因此,皇权与巡台御史的疏离,福建地方官员与巡台御史的矛盾,成为巡台御史职权式微的主要原因。本章之研究,较偏重于制度的执行者巡台御史和实际执行中的制度、规则、惯例,及其运行模式,而不仅局限于成文制度的规则与运作。 第三章福建大员轮值巡台制度,即清代渡海巡台制度演变的第二阶段。福建大员轮值巡台制度,在设计上吸收了闽台合治与御史巡台两种制度的积极意义,既理顺了闽台权力运作关系,又保证了中央政策在台湾推行,清王朝对台湾的直接管辖制度由此进入常态,此后的调整与变易,甚至包括台湾建省,几乎都是在此框架内进行的。本章首先对福建大员的早期渡台活动及其影响进行分析,意在强调巡台大员在清廷制定治台政策时具有特殊的发言权。其次,通过对福建大员轮值巡台活动的考证,共有26位福建大员、31次巡视台湾;根据性质,将其初步分为循例巡台和因事巡台两类,其中,因事巡台,进一步细分为追剿海盗、平定民变、弹压械斗和招垦番地四类。最后,从台湾海峡恶劣的自然环境、福建内地的社会秩序,以及台湾镇、道职权的变化三个因素,探寻轮值巡台制度两度中断的原因。 第四章闽抚冬春驻台制度,即清代渡海巡台制度演变的第三阶段。自同治十三年沈葆桢巡台以后,历任驻台闽抚的巡台活动大都围绕开山抚番、洋务与海防徐徐展开,内地化成为清政府治台政策的本质。驻台闽抚的治台主张及其在朝廷的反应,为本章首先关注的问题。其次,由于闽抚驻台制度追求的“闽台呼应”与“事权归一”,与晚清台湾建省之初衷,在本质上是一致的;台湾建省,可谓闽抚驻台乃至渡海巡台制度演变的必然趋势,故而成为本章关注的另一个重点。当然,本章还对闽抚驻台制度的定制与沿革,作了较为详细的梳理与分析。 结论。由于此前三章进行了较为微观的阶段性研究,最后通过整体性分析,得出如下结论:第一,清代渡海巡台制度,为清政府对台湾实行的直接管辖制度;清王朝通过渡海巡台制度在认识台湾、沟通信息、制定或调整治台政策,以及维持政权存续之功能,实现和加强了对台湾的直接管辖。第二,清代渡海巡台制度的实施动因系台湾重大事件之刺激,实质则是顺应台湾社会变迁和移民垦殖之拓展而作的渐次调整,表现为内地化、过渡性和被动性特征。第三,台湾海峡的自然阻隔、制度自身缺陷,以及重陆轻海观念影响和制约了清代渡海巡台制度的功能,表明清代渡海巡台制度是陆权时代的管辖制度;进入海权时代,若不能取得台湾海峡的制海权,其功能是十分有限的。
[Abstract]:To emphasize or highlight the historical and cultural ties between Taiwan and the mainland is the most basic academic orientation in the history of Taiwan and the history of cross-strait relations; the jurisdiction relations between the two sides of the Taiwan Straits and the jurisdiction of the Central Plains to Taiwan in history are more or less neglected. In fact, the Straits of Taiwan have not been able to prevent both sides of the Straits. The historical and cultural relation of the Qing Dynasty was also conceived by the Du Haixun system in the Qing Dynasty, which was the direct jurisdiction of the Qing Dynasty to Taiwan before the Taiwan province was built. In terms of the direct jurisdiction of the Central Plains Dynasty to Taiwan, it inherited the early "remote system from the sea" to Taiwan in the late Qing Dynasty. In the view of the system, this paper will take the policy of the Qing Dynasty as the background, and take the evolution of the patrol platform system as the main line, and reveal its nature and function through the description and analysis of the system operation.
In addition to the review of relevant research results in the introduction, this article is divided into four chapters in order to enlighten the research motivation. In the first chapter, the first chapter is the background of the beginning of the theme; the second, third and the four chapters are the three stages of the evolution of the system in the Qing Dynasty. Finally, through the holistic analysis of the Du Haixun system in the Qing Dynasty, it is the conclusion of this article.
The first chapter is the background of the patrol platform in the Qing Dynasty. This paper focuses on the evolution and function of the system of the patrol platform in the Qing Dynasty. But before it cuts in the theme, it is also described as "seven hundred Li Yang". At the same time, before the implementation of the Qing Dynasty ferry patrol system, the evolution of the early jurisdiction form of the Central Plains Dynasty to Taiwan in the history of the Qing Dynasty, that is, through the early strategy, the Penghu remote system of Taiwan and Fujian and Taiwan, and the cultural concept reflected by the Central Plains, carried out a more detailed examination. Evidence and description. In a relatively potential and fairly macro perspective, the natural, historical and cultural background of the Qing Dynasty ferry patrol platform provides an analytical framework for the later research.
The second chapter was the initial stage of the emperor's patrol system in the Qing Dynasty. The system of patrol and imperial history was built on the reflection of Kangxi's sixty year uprising of Zhu Yishi. And its abolition, it ushered in the fifty-one years of Qianlong's uprising of Lin Wen Wen. According to the system design, the duty of the imperial examination system is "communication information", that is, the government decree of the court, which reflects the public opinion of the Taiwan. In its actual operation, it is concretely represented by the affairs of the tableland, the handling of local affairs, the inspection of the camp and the education, and so on. The limitation of power is derived from the imperial power. Therefore, the alienation of the imperial power and the imperial inspector's history, the contradiction between the local officials of Fujian and the Royal History of the patrol platform, has become the main reason for the decline of the power of the patrol system. The study of this chapter is more important than the system, rules, practices, and operation modes of the system, the rules, the practice, and the mode of operation. The rules and operations of the system.
The third chapter of the system of the Fujian full rotation patrol platform is the second stage of the evolution of the system of the Qing Dynasty ferry patrol platform. The system of Fujian large rotation patrol platform has absorbed the positive significance of the two systems of Fujian, Taiwan and imperial examinations, which not only straightened the power operation relationship between Fujian and Taiwan, but also ensured the implementation of the central policy in Taiwan, and the Qing Dynasty was direct to Taiwan. The following adjustment and change, including the Taiwan Province, are almost all carried out in this framework. First of all, this chapter analyzes the early stage activities and its influence of the large members of Fujian. There are 26 Fujian members and 31 visits to Taiwan. According to their nature, they are divided into two types of patrol platform and incident patrol platform. Among them, the incident patrols are further subdivided into four types of pirates, civil change, pressure fighting and inviting land. Finally, from the harsh natural environment of the Taiwan Strait, the mainland of Fujian Social order, as well as the three factors of Taiwan town and the change of authority, explore the reasons for the two interruption of the patrol platform system.
In the fourth chapter, the system of Fujian and spring stationing in Taiwan is the third stage of the evolution of the system of the patrol platform in the Qing Dynasty. After the thirteen years of Shen Bao Zheng's patrol platform, the activities of the patrols in Fujian Province are mostly centered around the opening of the mountain, and the westernization and coastal defense are slowly expanding, and the mainland becomes the essence of the policy of the Qing government. The response of this chapter is the first concern in this chapter. Secondly, because of the "Fujian and Taiwan echoes" and "the return of the power" pursued by Min Fu's stationing system, and the original intention of building the province in Taiwan in the late Qing Dynasty, it is in essence the same. In Taiwan, it may be described as the inevitable trend of the evolution of the system in Fujian Province and even the sea crossing patrol system, thus becoming another focus of this chapter. Of course, this chapter also makes a detailed analysis of the customization and evolution of Fujian Fu's stationing system.
The following three chapters have carried out a relatively micro stage study. Finally, the following conclusions are drawn through the overall analysis. First, the Qing Dynasty ferry patrol system is the direct jurisdiction system of the Qing government to Taiwan; the Qing Dynasty through the sea crossing patrol system in the understanding of Taiwan, communication information, the formulation or adjustment of the treatment platform policy, and maintenance. The function of the survival of the regime has realized and strengthened the direct jurisdiction of Taiwan. Second, the motive for the implementation of the system of the patrol platform in the Qing Dynasty is the stimulus of the major events in Taiwan. The essence is to adapt to the gradual adjustment of Taiwan's social changes and the expansion of the immigrant reclamation, showing the characteristics of the mainland, the transitional and passive characteristics. Third, the nature of the Taiwan Straits. The barrier, the system's own defects and the heavy land light sea concept influence and restrict the function of the Qing Dynasty ferry patrol system. It shows that the system of the patrol platform in the Qing Dynasty is the jurisdiction system of the land right era, and when entering the sea power era, the function of the Taiwan Strait is very limited.


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1 马波;清代闽台地区的农产品流通[J];中国历史地理论丛;1994年04期




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