发布时间:2018-08-04 16:31
【摘要】:经筵,是指汉唐以来帝王为讲经论史而特设的御前讲席。它在宋代正式制度化,为元、明、清历代所沿袭。 经筵制度在清代持续时间很长。单就狭义的“经筵典礼”而言,顺治十四年(1657)首开经筵,至咸丰十年(1860)最后一次举行经筵大典,持续二百余年。如就广义的“经筵制度”而言,从皇太极崇德元年(1636)改国号为清起,至宣统三年(1911)止,,整个清代都存在以“研经论史”为主要内容的御前讲席。经筵制度是与中国古代社会最高统治者密切相关的一项教育制度,在清代社会上层政治中也处于非常重要的地位,对清代社会的其他各个方面也都有着一定的影响。 关于中国古代经筵制度,史学界至今尚无系统的研究。本文选择经筵制度的最后形态——清代经筵为研究对象,试图在中国古代经筵制度的研究上有所推进。论文由绪论、第一章(清代经筵制度沿革)、第二章(清代经筵礼制)、第三章(经筵与清代社会)和结论五部分构成。 绪论部分主要探讨经筵的定义及其起源,回顾和总结经筵制度研究的历史和主要成果,明确本文研究方向和意图。第一章“清代经筵制度沿革”主要从纵向历史演变的角度,理清清代经筵发展变化的脉路。大致将清代经筵历程分为确立期(入关前及顺治朝)、鼎盛期(康熙朝)、变质期(雍正、乾隆、嘉庆朝)、“复兴”期(道光、咸丰朝)、衰亡期(同治、光绪、宣统朝)五个时期。清朝经筵制度作为一种帝王教育制度在顺治晚年得以确立,康熙时期达到鼎盛,康熙二十五年(1686)以后,日讲(经筵制度的实质内容)终止,经筵制度开始变质。雍正、乾隆以后经筵制度彻底形式化,成为帝制宣传的工具。道咸年间晚清理学家一度试图复兴经筵旧制,但终究未果。咸丰以后,每年一度的经筵大典也宣告终止,清代经筵名实具亡。第二章“清代经筵礼制”主要从横向制度的层面,对清代经筵制度的构成及其功能予以分析。分“经筵大典”、“日讲礼仪”和“进呈经义”三节,参照《清会典》的有关记载,分别对其时日、官职、内容、仪制及其具
[Abstract]:Jing Yan, refers to the emperor since the Han and Tang dynasties to lecture on the history of the special imperial lecture. It was formally institutionalized in the Song Dynasty, inherited from Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. Jing Yan system lasted a long time in Qing Dynasty. In terms of narrow sense of "feast ceremony", Shunzhi 14 years (1657) first feast, to Xianfeng ten years (1860) held the last feast ceremony, lasted more than two hundred years. For example, in the broad sense of "Jingyan system", from the first year of Chongde of Huangtai (1636) to the Qing Dynasty, to the end of Xuantong three years (1911), the whole Qing Dynasty had a imperial lecture with the history of the study of the classics as the main content. Jingyan system is an educational system closely related to the supreme rulers of ancient Chinese society. It also plays a very important role in the upper social politics of the Qing Dynasty and has a certain influence on other aspects of the Qing society. There is no systematic study on the ancient Chinese Jingyan system. This paper chooses Jingyan, the final form of Jingyan system, as the object of study, and tries to advance the study of Jingyan system in ancient China. The thesis is composed of the introduction, the first chapter (the evolution of the Qing Dynasty Jing Yan system), the second chapter (the Qing Dynasty Jing Yan ritual system), the third chapter (Jing Yan and the Qing Dynasty society) and the conclusion five parts. The introduction mainly discusses the definition and origin of Jingyan, reviews and summarizes the history and main achievements of the study of Jingyan system, and clarifies the research direction and intention of this paper. The first chapter, "the evolution of the Qing Dynasty Jing Yan system", clarifies the development and changes of the Qing Dynasty Jing Yan from the perspective of the vertical historical evolution. The course of Jing Yan in Qing Dynasty can be divided into five periods: establishment period (before entering the customs and Shunzhi dynasty), peak period (Kangxi dynasty), metamorphosis period (Yongzheng, Qianlong, Jiaqing dynasty), "rejuvenation" period (Daoguang, Xianfeng dynasty), declining period (Tongzhi, Guang Xu, Xuantong dynasty). The Qing Dynasty Jing Yan system as a kind of imperial education system was established in the later years of Shunzhi, the Kangxi period reached its peak, after Kangxi 25 years (1686), the Japanese talk (the essence of the Jing Yan system) ended, and the Jing Yan system began to deteriorate. Yongzheng, Qianlong after Jingyan system was completely formalized and became the tool of imperial propaganda. At one point in the late Qing Dynasty, Taoist Neo-Confucianism tried to revive the old system of Jing Yan, but in vain. After Xianfeng, the annual feast also ended, the Qing Dynasty, the name of the feast died. Chapter two, "the ritual system of Jing Yan in Qing Dynasty", mainly analyzes the constitution and function of the system of Jing Yan in Qing Dynasty from the level of horizontal system. According to the relevant records of the "Qing Hui Dian", including the three sections of "the great feast ceremony", "Japanese etiquette" and "advancing the scripture and righteousness", the time, official position, content, system and equipment of the ceremony are respectively described.
[Abstract]:Jing Yan, refers to the emperor since the Han and Tang dynasties to lecture on the history of the special imperial lecture. It was formally institutionalized in the Song Dynasty, inherited from Yuan, Ming and Qing dynasties. Jing Yan system lasted a long time in Qing Dynasty. In terms of narrow sense of "feast ceremony", Shunzhi 14 years (1657) first feast, to Xianfeng ten years (1860) held the last feast ceremony, lasted more than two hundred years. For example, in the broad sense of "Jingyan system", from the first year of Chongde of Huangtai (1636) to the Qing Dynasty, to the end of Xuantong three years (1911), the whole Qing Dynasty had a imperial lecture with the history of the study of the classics as the main content. Jingyan system is an educational system closely related to the supreme rulers of ancient Chinese society. It also plays a very important role in the upper social politics of the Qing Dynasty and has a certain influence on other aspects of the Qing society. There is no systematic study on the ancient Chinese Jingyan system. This paper chooses Jingyan, the final form of Jingyan system, as the object of study, and tries to advance the study of Jingyan system in ancient China. The thesis is composed of the introduction, the first chapter (the evolution of the Qing Dynasty Jing Yan system), the second chapter (the Qing Dynasty Jing Yan ritual system), the third chapter (Jing Yan and the Qing Dynasty society) and the conclusion five parts. The introduction mainly discusses the definition and origin of Jingyan, reviews and summarizes the history and main achievements of the study of Jingyan system, and clarifies the research direction and intention of this paper. The first chapter, "the evolution of the Qing Dynasty Jing Yan system", clarifies the development and changes of the Qing Dynasty Jing Yan from the perspective of the vertical historical evolution. The course of Jing Yan in Qing Dynasty can be divided into five periods: establishment period (before entering the customs and Shunzhi dynasty), peak period (Kangxi dynasty), metamorphosis period (Yongzheng, Qianlong, Jiaqing dynasty), "rejuvenation" period (Daoguang, Xianfeng dynasty), declining period (Tongzhi, Guang Xu, Xuantong dynasty). The Qing Dynasty Jing Yan system as a kind of imperial education system was established in the later years of Shunzhi, the Kangxi period reached its peak, after Kangxi 25 years (1686), the Japanese talk (the essence of the Jing Yan system) ended, and the Jing Yan system began to deteriorate. Yongzheng, Qianlong after Jingyan system was completely formalized and became the tool of imperial propaganda. At one point in the late Qing Dynasty, Taoist Neo-Confucianism tried to revive the old system of Jing Yan, but in vain. After Xianfeng, the annual feast also ended, the Qing Dynasty, the name of the feast died. Chapter two, "the ritual system of Jing Yan in Qing Dynasty", mainly analyzes the constitution and function of the system of Jing Yan in Qing Dynasty from the level of horizontal system. According to the relevant records of the "Qing Hui Dian", including the three sections of "the great feast ceremony", "Japanese etiquette" and "advancing the scripture and righteousness", the time, official position, content, system and equipment of the ceremony are respectively described.
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3 廖峰;嘉靖阁臣顾鼎臣研究[D];中国社会科学院研究生院;2010年
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