[Abstract]:Tibetan Bian Xie Jia, as a strong regional characteristic in the Xijiao group of China since the Ming and Qing dynasties, rose from the expanding ethnic trade in the Ming Dynasty, flourished in the Qing Dynasty, and extended to the 1950s. As far as region is concerned, the Tibetan side family can be divided into the side-side home and the side-outside home. Because of its profit means and business content, the Bian Neexijia can be divided into two types: Shang Xie and Liang Xie. In the legislative practice of the Qing Dynasty, the family was the official family, and the Shang Xie family was divided into the official family and the private family because of reporting to the official or not. Due to the influence of regional culture, the Bian Wai Xie family is called "master house" in Ando Tibetan area and "Guozhuang" in Kang Tibet area. Due to the different business scope, government regulation and the influence of regional culture, the Tibetan Bian Xiejia family has different development direction and historical fate. However, with the help of the special language media mechanism, each Tibetan border family plays an active role in promoting the trade and social governance of the Tibetan border, thus promoting the interaction and communication between the ethnic groups of the Tibetan border. Different types and distinct layers of Tibetan border Xiesjia have important historical anthropological significance for the evolution of the organizational form of Xiejia in China.
【作者单位】: 兰州大学历史文化学院;
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