发布时间:2018-08-05 19:28
【摘要】:中泰两国河川同源、山岭同脉,双方的友好关系源远流长。清代时,双方在前代友好关系的基础上进一步展开了友好交往。中暹间的官方贸易兴盛一时,民间贸易也得到了进一步的发展,华人流寓暹罗也增多了,双方关系十分密切。暹罗被认为是除朝鲜外与中国关系最好的国家,清朝对其也给予了很多优待。本文从清代中国人对暹罗的认识和看法这个角度,,通过对清代各个阶层暹罗观的比较研究,从意识形态的角度来看待清代的中暹关系。 清人暹罗观的形成有其特定的背景,不仅受传统华夷观的影响,而且与清代中暹间的关系有关,同时它也是在前代人暹罗观基础上形成,受中暹传统关系的影响。本文把清人分为统治阶级、知识分子、暹罗华侨及普通百姓四类,分别进行阐述。对不同阶级的暹罗观以及不同朝代的暹罗观进行比较,指出,清人暹罗观实际上就是中国古代封建社会暹罗观的一个缩影。
[Abstract]:China and Thailand share the same rivers, mountains and veins, and their friendly relations go back to ancient times. During the Qing Dynasty, the two sides further developed friendly exchanges on the basis of the friendly relations of the previous generation. The official trade between China and Siam flourished for a while, the folk trade also got further development, the Chinese living in Siam also increased, and the relationship between the two sides was very close. Siam was regarded as the country with the best relations with China besides North Korea, and the Qing Dynasty gave it a lot of preferential treatment. From the perspective of the Chinese understanding and view of Siam in Qing Dynasty, this paper analyzes the Sino-Siam relations in Qing Dynasty from the angle of ideology through the comparative study of Siamese views of different strata in Qing Dynasty. The formation of Siamese view of Qing Dynasty has its special background, which is not only influenced by the traditional view of Hua Yi, but also related to the relationship between Siam in Qing Dynasty. At the same time, it was formed on the basis of Siamese view of the previous generation and influenced by the traditional relationship between China and Siam. This article divides Qing people into four categories: ruling class, intellectuals, Siamese overseas Chinese and ordinary people. By comparing Siamese views of different classes and different dynasties, it is pointed out that Siamese view of Qing Dynasty is in fact a microcosm of Siamese view in ancient Chinese feudal society.
[Abstract]:China and Thailand share the same rivers, mountains and veins, and their friendly relations go back to ancient times. During the Qing Dynasty, the two sides further developed friendly exchanges on the basis of the friendly relations of the previous generation. The official trade between China and Siam flourished for a while, the folk trade also got further development, the Chinese living in Siam also increased, and the relationship between the two sides was very close. Siam was regarded as the country with the best relations with China besides North Korea, and the Qing Dynasty gave it a lot of preferential treatment. From the perspective of the Chinese understanding and view of Siam in Qing Dynasty, this paper analyzes the Sino-Siam relations in Qing Dynasty from the angle of ideology through the comparative study of Siamese views of different strata in Qing Dynasty. The formation of Siamese view of Qing Dynasty has its special background, which is not only influenced by the traditional view of Hua Yi, but also related to the relationship between Siam in Qing Dynasty. At the same time, it was formed on the basis of Siamese view of the previous generation and influenced by the traditional relationship between China and Siam. This article divides Qing people into four categories: ruling class, intellectuals, Siamese overseas Chinese and ordinary people. By comparing Siamese views of different classes and different dynasties, it is pointed out that Siamese view of Qing Dynasty is in fact a microcosm of Siamese view in ancient Chinese feudal society.
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